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Seer Of Lost Fates: Blog


Very Humbling

Posted at

So, as those who read my stories are painfully aware, I sometimes go for an extended period without posting, or plan to and am unable to.

And yet, through all my flakiness, Dance has passed 20,000 downloads. Double what my other stories have done combined.

To me this is amazingly humbling. It tells me that A) I need to keep up with my stories, B) people on here genuinely enjoy what I'm doing in Dance and C) I owe you all a huge thank you.

Without your comments, questions and kudos I would not have even managed to take Dance this far. The road for Dance is not yet over though, so I better get back to it!


Posted at


I'm alive!

And I put Chapter 6 of Dance into the queue!

I know, WEIRD!

Tar and Feathers

Posted at

I certainly deserve it. With my new job and getting my life back on track, I somehow expected to get at least one chapter written in a month.

Sadly, that doesn't seem to be the case.

So, tar and feather me, I said you could, but please, not the keyboard. If that gets tarred up, I'll never get done!


Posted at

So, after being evicted on my birthday, life has begun to turn around for me.

Expect the next chapter of Dance in July! If i fail to delivef, you may tar and feather me.

Still around

Posted at

Hey all!

I am still alive, and still working on my stories.

I'm hoping to be able to continue posting woth8n the next few weeks.



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