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Belated as always, but at least I've a present!
Chapter 27 is queued and should be online soon. Chapter 28 will follow soon, really! Soon as in a few days, maybe a week, but no more. You don't believe me? Just watch out!
With the cliffhanger ending of chapter 24, I didn't dare to let you wait too long for the follow-up. On the other hand, I didn't receive my smilie feedback, so I'm still a bit grouchy.
Although another time consuming interruption rears its ugly head at the horizon, for now I'm back and writing. Let's see how many chapters I can get out before I'll have to take another break.
I just submitted chapter 24 and it's queued pending for release.
I'm alive and will continue writing and posting. The delay is caused by relocating my home and work office.
On a side note, it's a little weird, or maybe not, whenever I submit a new chapter the score of the story drops (insignificantly, but still!), but if there is a longer break, the score is climbing. I wonder what my most appreciated readers are trying to tell me. I know there is a saying, "Absence makes the heart grow fonder."
Anyhow, may the score drop soon again.
I'm currently reposting "Law of the Blood", implementing a list of corrections some of my readers graciously offered (some of those mails were really nice!). Well, that was the original plan, but once I started I also made some other changes. So in reality, I corrected old listed errors and replaced them with new ones (a very annoying habit). I also changed some inconsistences, dates, numbers and such. I only mention it because new readers (or someone re-reading LotB) might stumble reading the continuation "Family Business", since so far I haven't made corresponding changes in the second part of the story. I plan to do that at a later date, closer to the completion of the story.
That's all, nothing major.
Have a nice one,
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