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Peter H. Salus: Blog


Abandoning Sam

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After many months (and several attempts), I have decided to abandon "Sam." However, I have begun a sort of Western Australian sf/alternate history (unrelated to the Hollisters). I hope to have the first tale done and up within ten days to two weeks.


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Sorry. I've been ill for several weeks and haven't been able to get back to Sam and Tessa. The general state of the governments of Scott Morison, Theresa May and Donald Trump haven't helped my mood. I'm going to take s hiatus. Perhaps, I'll try something totally different. Who knows?

Sam's Year 24

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Sam's Year 24 is the *end* of Part 1. I don't know nor understand how it got duplicated as Chapter 25.

I expect to begin Part 2 before the 14th of January 2019.

Happy New Year to all!


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Sorry. Having gotten Sam and Tessa back to Sydney, I have to decide what they will do next. They both need more education ... but I don't know what nor where. Most likely, I shouldn't have given in to the impulse of going to the next generation. There was certainly enough to write about where Patrick (and Sarah and Henry) and Rachel (and family) were concerned. Anyway, I doubt whether there will be more than one or two further chapters in 2018.

Sam's Year Chap. 22

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The first part of this chapter appears to have been eaten by gremlins. I'm try to restore it. Thanks to the two or three of you who have brought things to my attention.

Several totems are interfering with this. I must have transgressed.



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