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Peter H. Salus: Blog


Chapter 17

Posted at

I've just submitted Chapter 17. I want to apologize to you readers. I was going to send it prior to the weekend and then got involved with following 'Dorian' and then the bizarries of the UK's House of Commons. I was distracted/diverted. I trust the next Chapter will be posted with greater alacrity.

Thanks to all of you!

Posted at

I've really been overwhelmed by the number of responses to my query. I began responding to each, but I now find I just haven't sufficient time. Hence this posting. If you've not received email from me, it's not that I don't care, it's that I've run out of steam. Incidentally, there were two comments 'against' my quotations/explications and several dozen in favour, including two Aussies. Thank you all, again.

Comments, please

Posted at

I received a note from a reader, requesting that I employ fewer quotations and explanations. I'd really like some comments on this. I admit to believing that the Dreamtime stories and the passages on history, archaeology, etc., were valuable.

Kununurra on the BBC

Posted at

For those interested/curious, there's a piece on two residents of Mirima at:

Making the Revolution - 5

Posted at

I've just submitted Chapter 5 for processing. It's a bit briefer, but I felt this was the place to stop.



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