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I will post this tomorrow morning (6 July 2020), before 10:00 EDT.
Thank you! Each and every one of you!
There were nearly 100 responses to my query in well-under 24 hours.
I have read each one, but will not be responding, as I've decided to (a) begin posting next week and (b) forge on with my writing.
My current intent is six "installments" at one per week.
Greetings! I trust that everyone is keeping social distancing and masking when appropriate.
It's three months since I last posted. As several of you have presumed, I have not kept away from writing, though I have strayed far from Australia.
I have begun a novel [?] which takes place towards the end of the nineteenth century and the first years of the twentieth in Vienna. A friend in the UK has referred to the piece he read as a "fin-de-siecle existentialist historical novel." [If that doesn't scare you away, nothing will.]
I am currently about a third of the way in.
So ... here's my question: Should I begin posting or wait until I've got more written? In the event that my reception is negative, I may just abandon the effort. But do care for the thoughts an opinions of my readership.
The COVID-19 pandemic makes this a fearful time. I'd like to hope that all readers (and authors) here on SOL are being careful and preserving their health. I'm over 80, and have only left home once a week, to purchase food. Most stories involve social interactions; real life limits them ... save by phone or computer.
The Black Death (1337-1350s), the London Plague (1665-66), the Spanish Flu (1918-1920) all occurred during times of slower communication and far less medical and epidemiological knowledge.
Please take care and observe sensible precautions.
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