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Millie 90 lbs of Dynamite: Blog


A story for Anna Marie The Remembrance of the Reluctant Represe

Posted at 6/24/2015, 10:21:09 PM

My new story for Millie's Vast Expanse should be up soon. It is in the cue now!

He's an aggressive man who got where he was going with cunning and stealth. He has hunted and trapped his prey in such a shrewd way they become willing participants in their own abuse. He enjoys his female employees as playthings. Taking from them what he wants and giving them what he wishes them to have. Afterward, he abandons them to their ordinary, mundane mind-numbing existence. It's the 1980's in America, greed is good, but power is better. We are cruising at 30,000 feet and about to begin our descent into Millie's Vast Expanse, buckle up it's going to be a tumultuous journey.

Let me know what you think!

Rape: He Said – She Said

Posted at 6/19/2015, 4:24:10 AM

Rape: He Said - She Said

Totally forgot to post this after I finished it. I dove straight into the Millie's Vast Expanse story request. Wow - well I took a break from writing a bit ago and realized I never put it up. I realized it by the way it wasn't listed on my stories when I checked to see if anyone was reading it. They weren't why because it wasn't there. Really I bet you could figure that part out on your own, sorry didn't mean to beat you over the head.

Written from the point of view of the Rapist: He Said and the victim She Said. First person for both people hope it is something ya'll like but be warned it is about RAPE and murder! So only the brave of heart (and those that like the dark side) should read it.

Millie's Vast Expanse new story for Anna Marie

Posted at 6/17/2015, 8:55:41 PM

I have a new requested story that I'm working no currently for Anna Marie. I call it "The Reluctant Representative Remembrance" It is proceeding nicely. I haven't decided if it is a single story or it will be in two parts. As you know I write mostly shorter stories from 4,000 to 7,000 words. Seldom do I go over 7,000 here or anywhere else that I write.

This one, however, may need a second part not sure yet. I am getting near where I think the perfect ending for this part of the story is. Now I need to flesh this part out and determine if I just keep going or do a second chapter. I want to do the story justice and I just have to decide.

Anyway look for it to be up soon, sooner if I decide it is complete or break it into two parts. Not so soon if I need more and want it all together.

To publish or not publish you know for money

Posted at 6/4/2015, 5:06:21 PMUpdated: 6/4/2015, 6:11:44 PM

I recently received an email from a fan at another site asking why I didn't publish my work in a manner where I could be paid for my talent. He told me what a wonderful writer I am (which he had several times before) how with just a little bit of effort and perhaps a good editor my stories would be commercially viable.

I don't believe that statement looking at votes here I certainly don't think he knows what he is talking about. I do score much higher at the other sites and I'm not sure why.

Well doesn't that just sound fantastic? My con sensor went off right away and I told him politely "I'm not interested in that." I have seen them the self-publish book sites for on-demand sales on all the favorite books stores and online sites. You only pay them XXXX.XX amount of bucks and they do all this wonderful crap for you. I explained to him I didn't have the funds for such an endeavor.

He replied that it wouldn't cost me anything to publish online at a site called Smashwords and gave me the link. Against my better judgment, I checked out the site and realized this was where my author friend published his digital version of stories. I read their rules and quickly realized that no my stories weren't acceptable for the site. Then I thought I could write stories that are acceptable though and publish there. Surely I can tone down sex and violence or at least put a lot of other story in between the sex and violence.

Then I thought about it and decided I didn't desire to do that either. First, I know that I'm not that good a writer. Second, I am perfectly content to write and publish at the three sites I use and not receive money for the work. I'm not writing to make money. I have a life and I have a past life and don't want either picked over by adoring fans or malicious individuals with some vindictive agenda. I don't wish to be a famous anyone I enjoy revealing what I do here or to individuals in just what amount I chose. I certainly wouldn't fancy being an in print author having to hawk my books on talk shows and risk the ridicule of my past being paraded before me on one of them.

I have friends now that know nothing of my past and even being on this site or the other two, runs the risk they might find out. I'm just not that brave.

The Boss Is Always Right

Posted at 6/1/2015, 11:49:58 PM

So here is my second go at Cuckold story. A man must convince his wife to have sex with one of his clients in front of him. If he can't do this he will lose his job, he is successful he keeps his job but can he keep his wife. Either way does he win or lose?

Let me know what you think!

The Boss Is Always Right can be read here



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