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Mark Gander: Blog


Sorry about the confusion over Bye, Felicia.

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There is more to the story, but not in this particular serial. It will be the next part of the series, tentatively titled Bye: Felicia: Slave Week, and probably a third and final segment tentatively titled After Felicia. I've even considered a spin-off about Felicia's career as a porn star and what she learns from that.

Regarding other stuff, where there's more to come for sure. I haven't forgotten my various stories. Several of them are longer term stories, so I pace myself and don't rush the ending just yet. I go back and forth on stories for a bit, and then, when I feel the end coming on, I tend to buckle down and focus on that story more. Then it's back to my other stuff, of course. And sometimes, I just get a burst of inspiration for a particular story and plow ahead on it for a bit, sometimes regrettably to the temporary detriment of my other stories. And then there are the one mega chapter stories, which often lead to follow-ups.

So, as you can see, my Muse can be very....mercurial and I have to move to the lash of her whip. Apologies for any delays in beloved stories that may result.

The Commissar's In Town

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As some of you know by now, the Commissar story is in the same universe as the "Hump Day Block Party" tale. It's going to be an actual universe in time and I'm toying with making it public once the canon becomes better developed so that all know what it is. I'm waiting until then so that some possible fan stories don't get too far from the canon from good intentions mixed with ignorance of some aspects of the canon.

Also, in case you didn't realize it by now, the "Apocalypse Blues" story is part of the Haven universe, as the apocalypse in question is Fireball Day. It will be interesting to see how some of these characters deal with each other if they should ever meet. No, I haven't abandoned any of my other stories, including the Haven ones, such as "Rumors of Haven" and "How Does Your Garden Grow". There is more of that to come when the Muse strikes me there.

I just submitted a third chapter of Apocalypse Blues, and while there isn't a lot of sex in it, some sex finally does happen. There will be more sex in subsequent chapters, too, of course, in fact, increasing in frequency over time. This was just a story that required a lot of background, introduction, and plot/character development first. Thank you for your patience on the sex front.

Oh, and I've also got more planned with the Honey Dew List and other fan favorites. It's working toward some major events in particular in that one. And then there's Bible Camp Blues, where I was stuck, but I feel will be unstuck pretty soon. Also, I do plan more follow-up stories, both to the Mark Schumacher saga, to that of Ian and Des, and to the Bottoms, among others, so look out for that. Also, it being October, don't be surprised if you see some more of Asmodeus and the "To Reign In Hell" saga.

Some terminology to help with some stories of mine.

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Haven Tails Universe Glossary:

Haven- Colony of survivors rumored to exist somewhere in the West, to which the main characters of the universe generally seek admission or at least are considering emigration. It is generally thought of as a mild theocracy, rather than an overzealous or malevolent one, and is reportedly ruled by Elders of some kind. It is the most honest and effectively ruled territory in the former continental United States, if not the world, though not the largest single area under one regime.

New Jersey- former US state now under the rule of La Cosa Nostra and its associated syndicates, largely through a one-party state, the said party being known as the Garden State Alliance. It is the largest single unified territory in the former USA, but it is far more corrupt than Haven. Former rackets are now protected by government regulation rather than violence, but remain de facto Mafia monopolies.

Garden State Alliance- the ruling party of the State of New Jersey, which operates as a front for La Cosa Nostra. It has displaced the two major parties and is even more corrupt than either of those used to be. All public officials belong to it, but they are not the real rulers. The Mafia dons actually run the State, with politicians as their figureheads.

Doomsday/Fireball Day- July 6, 2013, the Apocalypse in this universe, the day that most of the world's largest, most populous cities were utterly incinerated by fireballs that appeared ex nihilo, that is "from nothing." While many cities remained in the immediate wake of the crisis, many were abandoned or became ghost towns in the aftermath, as many people relocated to locations that they considered safer or otherwise better for a variety of reasons, often having to do with lawlessness and anarchy developing after Fireball Day.

Lawgiver/Prophet, The- A legendary figure that some believe actually exists and governs Haven, he is said by some to have predicted Fireball Day shortly before it happened and built Haven as a refuge for those seeking it from violence and persecution. Some even believe that he died and was resurrected from the dead. Aka Mark Schumacher.

Lionesses/Princesses- Ninve and Sandra Schumacher, two of Mark's wives who are of Assyrian stock and are affectionately given those nicknames due to their ancient bloodline and fierce, protective loyalty to him.

Elders, The- High officials of the Church and Colony of Haven. Appointed and "sealed" directly by the Lawgiver or Prophet, Mark Schumacher.

Some terminology to help with some stories of mine.

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Regarding my "Hump Day Block Party" story and its universe:

Mayhem, The- The crisis of near global anarchy, terror, war, and lawlessness that has forced major social and political changes to what remains of the civilized world.

Commonwealth, The- Short for the Anglo-American Commonwealth, the largest centrally governed territory or nation in the world, also the most effectively ruled country left on the Earth. A much stabler, less violent part of the world compared to its neighbors, though at the price of being very draconian and authoritarian in many ways. The Government follows Hobbesian principles in terms of political philosophy or ideology. Consists of: the former USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica, the Bahamas, Belize, and Panama Canal Territory. Predominantly Anglophone in language, though the Canal Territory has mostly Spanish speakers and Quebec is Francophone, of course.

Leviathan- Head of State and virtual dictator of the Commonwealth, builder of the New Way or New Dawn, his birth name remains an open secret that is never discussed with the general public. His office, title, and name are all, for all practical purposes, one and the same. He personally led the formation of the Commmonwealth from the ruins and ashes of the old democratic order, which had essentially collapsed during the Mayhem. He has a virtual personality cult and follows his variation of Hobbesian philosophy in governing the Commonwealth. Little is known about him and his private life, at least to the public and the world. He has little time or patience for the old traditions that, in his eyes, have failed the civilized world, and he certainly has no use for feminism, political correctness, old-school liberalism or conservatism, religious blocs, or multiculturalism, judging by his policies, which some have criticized as favoring "the privileged and the patriarchy."

Laws, The- Specifically, for the purposes of this universe, the body of legislation or legal code imposed by Leviathan on the Commonwealth and its people, and executed by his Commissars, Tribunals, Archons, and Magistrates. There is a wide and exhaustive range of material and subject matter covered and regulated by these laws, and these laws are immutable except by the dictates or will of Leviathan alone. There is no legislature or need for one in the eyes of the public, as all of the statutes consist of the Laws. Again, many of these laws have been criticized by various parties, but they are ironclad and unlikely to be changed at all in Leviathan's lifetime. Most people seem content to obey them, however.

Tribunals, The- The regional courts or judicial bodies in the Commonwealth, responsible for hearing criminal and appellate cases as needed. There are both Higher and Lower Tribunals, and their jurisdiction can vary considerably. They only hear major criminal trials and appeals, leaving civil and minor criminal cases in the hands of the magistrates. They consist of between three and seven men, and notably have few women empaneled in their ranks.

Archons, The- The regional governors, who administer large swaths of territory on behalf of Leviathan throughout the Commonwealth, these are some of its most powerful officers of state. It is noteworthy that there are only fifteen total archons in the Commonwealth and their territory varies in size, from the Archon of Australasia to the far more powerful and influential Archon of the Atlantic Coast, who controls New York City and the former Eastern Seaboard. Also significant is the fact that twelve of the fifteen archons are male.

Commissars, The- Heads of government departments or bureaus in the Commonwealth, responsible directly to Leviathan, there are more women in this number than any other governmental body, in that there are fourteen out of forty-five "full" or senior Commissars. These are directly appointed by Leviathan and serve entirely at his pleasure. They carry out his policies at the national level, though much of the administration is still done by the archons and magistrates.

Magistrates, The- Provincial or local governors or administrators, these officers have less territory and executive power than the archons, but they exercise some judicial functions that are not performed by the archons, so this gives them considerable prestige and authority. There are far more of these magistrates than there are archons, and by far, the majority of these are male as well. The main protagonist of Hump Day Block Party, the narrator, Valerian Nicolescu, is a Magistrate.

Hump Day- The mandatory day of rest and recreation throughout the Commonwealth, held in Wednesday, it has some unique laws and customs related to it, chief of which include legal public nudity and sexual congress, as well as the requirement that any two persons formally introduced to each other must engage in coitus with each other.

Covenants, Lawful- Legal contracts or documents that bind or obligate two or more people to have permanent physical relationships with each other. These cannot be entered against one's will, but once assent is given, it cannot be withdrawn. These Covenants may not be reversed or abrogated for any reason, though they can be nullified, but only by a magistrate.

Oh, and for my Canadian and other readers....

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.....apologies for taking up so much space for this election in my country, but you can see how significant it is, not only for America's future, but for the world's.



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