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Mark Gander: Blog


The Downfall of Ann Coulter

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It is fascinating how low one's scores can drop for taking sides in the realm of politics, but I can't be authentic with this universe of mine without having Ian assert his divine will in a benevolent manner. Some might think me (or him) a hypocrite, but if you'll notice he largely left his critics and detractors alone for two months.

When it was just directed at him, even when it might be used to foment insurrection against him by the churches (to their own self-destruction, but not by means that he wished to use), he was prepared to have her offed quietly. When she began potentially causing pogrom against Jews in North America and elsewhere, though, he had to step in there. He didn't want to censor or cause others to self-censor dissent on general principles, but he had no more patience with the kind of irresponsible talk that had caused widespread persecution against his own people for centuries.

Since the First Amendment protects free speech against the US Government (and by incorporation under the 14th Amendment, the States and communities), it doesn't come into play here. This isn't government censorship. It's the wrath of a Deity, divine justice and judgment against a voice of hate and malice. Even her horrid afterlife isn't eternal, so he's much more magnanimous than the Christ that she worshiped. It's perhaps a bit intolerant of him, but he's been very patient and gave her the show to mend her ways first, and he only acted the way that he did because he could anticipate the outcome and wanted to prevent: a religious war and attempted genocide.

Invisible Story

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Apparently, somehow the copy/paste from the Google Docs failed to execute, leaving the story missing. My apologies. I have reposted, presumably with more reasonable results. I wasn't aware of this until I got several messages to alert me.

Rumors of Haven Being Updated

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Not only am I making the Tremaine youngsters all at least fourteen to simplify issues of age of consent and site rules, but I also adjusted some anachronisms such as a video phone (probably wouldn't work anymore under these conditions) and things of that nature. On the plus side, it also means that it will be easier to transition into having the twins especially get it on with the older members. It will be a lot harder to fend them off much longer.

In any case, I hope pretty soon to get the Tremaines and their friends out of the Northeast and into at least Ohio or West Virginia or something like that. They're almost out of New York and out of Powerball's range. We'll see what new challenges they will face in the future, of course. I doubt that it will be all fun and games for them, of course, being a post-apoc world and all that jazz.

Updating Stories To Fit Age Requirements

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Since learning of the minimum age requirements that I somehow overlooked before (probably confused due to the grandfathered stories that didn't have to comply), I am planning to repost and update chapters and stories as I go to ensure that they comply with this site's rules and make all characters engaged in onscreen sexual activity at least fourteen years of age. I do not wish to cause any legal troubles for this site or its owners, who have been very good and helpful to me in the past.

For the record....

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.....there might well be some folks who are a little displeased that I have so much supernatural stuff under this pen name. Well, to be fair, it's clearly stated in my profile that this pen name is used at least in part for supernatural, esoteric stories, with magical beings, gods, angels, demons, etc. Often, the tags will indicate this as well, so don't be shocked by this. I do have stories with no supernatural aspects, both under this pen name and others, but this is one of the main ones for the magic, occult, etc. Just pointing out that you have been warned.

Also, got a bit done today, including a new chapter of "How Does Your Garden Grow?" and a newly submitted chapter of Sigma Omega Sigma, which take the path that it was already headed with that secret society stuff. Think on it: how often were new pledges in fraternities or sororities really advanced that fast? There you go. I did some thinking for some of you there.



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