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Note about the nudity in some of my post-apoc

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...stories. It's not intended to be 24/7 nudity. They would like it to be, these characters, but they're smart enough to know that, as with Mordor, you can't go around post-apoc America "naught but your skin," as Samwise Gamgee put it. It's a compromise between their personal preference for constant nudity and their harsh reality of living in a world without law, order, or a domicile of any kind other than their buses. They tend to go naked inside and in some locations outside, but they're able to discern the need to wear clothes in certain situations.

So, for any of you worried about their survival in the buff, don't fret. Imagine them putting on their clothes when the situation calls for it.

Cast of Characters for Apocalypse Blues

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Cast of Characters for Apocalypse Blues:

Adam Clarke (briefly Slater)- Navy veteran, WVU student (summer classes) on July 6, 2013: Fireball Day. Organizer/ founder/leader of the core group/family, the Clarke tribe. Turned omnisexual, polyamorous, promiscuous, immune, incestuous switch by Tara's contagion. Little known about his past as yet. Jaded, but a visionary in his own way. Nudist. Immune to all STDs/STIs, HIV, AIDS, etc. like the rest of the group. Insatiable and without a male refractory period due to a recent "contagion." Highly fertile at this point. Divinely commissioned Prophet of Heaven.
Xia Delan Clarke - Chinese national, WVU student taking summer classes, Adam's roommate as of Fireball Day, July 6, 2013. Parents killed in Shanghai by fireball on Doomsday. Slim body, jet-black hair, classic Han Chinese complexion. First wife of Adam Clarke, originally set to be his concubine, but chosen as wife instead per his own wishes. Turned omnisexual, polyamorous, promiscuous, immune, incestuous switch by Tara's contagion. Nudist. Sister-wife to Autumn and Hannah.
Autumn Clarke - aged fourteen. Daughter of Bonnie Murray, lover/ stepdaughter of Ryan. Short, red hair, freckles, green eyes, similar slender build, ass, and legs to Hannah, even smaller tits than her. Turned omnisexual, polyamorous, promiscuous, immune, incestuous switch by Tara's contagion. Nudist. Temporarily separated from her family by Gabby Clarke during a misguided attack by Gabby on Ryan, whom she thought was engaged in raping Autumn. Later reunited with her family. Second wife of Adam Clarke, sister-wife to Hannah and Xia Delan.
Hannah Clarke- aged seventeen, orphan, student visitor at the summer dorms at WVU when Fireball struck. Honey-blonde hair, golden tan, taller than average female height, slender build, small, perky breasts, long legs, firm buttocks, great hips, shaved twat. Third wife of the Prophet, Adam Clarke, the first that he met, third that he collected for his family and put under his protection. Sister-wife to Autumn and Xia Delan. Turned omnisexual, polyamorous, promiscuous, immune, incestuous switch by Tara's contagion. Nudist. Parents killed by fireball while on vacation in Lisbon, Portugal on Doomsday, July 6, 2013.
Gabriela "Gabby" Rosales Slater - WVU student at Adam's dorm, tour guide to visitors, student activist and radical, feminist, formerly monogamous lesbian smitten with her professor, Anwyn. Grew up in Spanish Harlem of Puerto Rican ancestry. Temporarily disrupted Autumn's family out of misguided desire to protect Autumn from her stepfather, Ryan Murray, whom she believed to be a pervert, creep, and rapist. Officiated marriage of Adam to Xia, Autumn, and Hannah. Wife of Anwyn, her former professor. Both of them affected by Tara's contagion, making them suddenly omnisexual, polyamorous, promiscuous, immune, incestuous switch. Nudist. En route to Wales, Anwyn's homeland, to help liberate it from thugs, warlords, and other such scum. Intends to transform Wales into a triumvirate composed of herself, Anwyn, and Lewis. Classic earthy Latin complexion, jet-black hair, dark brown eyes.
Anwyn Wathen Slater - Welsh immigrant to the US, history professor at WVU, formerly monogamous and lesbian. Wife of Gabby, her former student. omnisexual, polyamorous, promiscuous, immune, incestuous switch. Nudist. En route to Wales, her homeland, to help liberate it from thugs, warlords, and other such scum. Intends to transform Wales into a triumvirate composed of herself, Gabby, and Lewis. Short hair, slightly tomboyish, nearly butch look. Significantly older than Gabby. Styles herself "Tywysoges Cymru," Princess of Wales.
Lewis Cadarn Slater- campus cop of Welsh extraction at WVU, formerly gay. Now turned by Tara's contagion to become omnisexual, polyamorous, promiscuous, immune, incestuous switch. Nudist. Heavy build, muscular physique. Middle-aged fellow. En route to Wales, his ancestral homeland, to help liberate it from thugs, warlords, and other such scum. Intends to transform Wales into a triumvirate composed of Anwyn, Gabby, and himself.
Raquel Martí- WVU student and Cuban emigre, born in Havana. Common-law wife to Till Kracht. Gave into pressure from Till to take Adam as a lover shortly she was turned by Tara's contagion to become permanently omnisexual, polyamorous, promiscuous, immune, incestuous switch. Nudist. Classic sultry Cuban looks. Pregnant to Adam this time around, but with the understanding that all of the men of the group will get to impregnate her eventually, including Till. Short and plump, very attractive in a curvy, voluptuous fashion. Nudist.
Till Kracht- WVU student of East German parentage, though born in the former USA himself. Common-law husband to Raquel. Former voyeur with secret cuckold fantasies, now turnedomnisexual, polyamorous, promiscuous, immune, incestuous switch. Encouraged Raquel to take a lover, ended up doing so at her insistence as well as with Becca, who agreed to be his girlfriend as well as Adam's and Sardha's. Nudist.
Rebecca "Becca" Morton- WVU student, married, but estranged from incarcerated husband, Cody Morton. Agreed to become girlfriend of Till, Adam, and Sardha..implied lover of Raquel as well. A gorgeous black woman with a strong predilection for white guys, including Adam, Till, and the aforementioned Cody. Nevertheless also open to other races and both sexes, as seen by her flirtation with the angel Lavelle Dumas. Nudist, now turned omnisexual, polyamorous, promiscuous, immune, incestuous switch. Pregnant to Adam Clarke.
Sardha Kaur- WVU student, born an American citizen in DC to Indian diplomats of Punjabi Sikh origins. Held dual citizenship prior to Fireball Day. Volunteered to be a concubine to Adam, preferring that term to "girlfriend" or "wife." Lover of Becca. Pregnant to Adam Clarke. Nudist. omnisexual, polyamorous, promiscuous, immune, incestuous switch.
Ryan Murray- jilted, disenchanted husband of Bonnie Murray, very enchanted by his own stepdaughter, Autumn, who even took his last name despite lack of adoption. Their past marital issues centered around her adultery and hypocritical double standards, not to mention his affair with Autumn. Briefly assaulted and separated from Autumn by Gabby after being mistaken for a rapist. Reconciled now with Bonnie, affair with Autumn having resumed with Adam's and Bonnie's own blessing. Nudist. omnisexual, polyamorous, promiscuous, immune, incestuous switch.
Bonnie Murray- once hypocritical and unfaithful wife of Ryan Murray, mother of Autumn Murray. Reconciled to Ryan and Autumn after being confronted by Adam. Lover of Adam, Autumn, and others with Ryan's blessing this time. Pregnant to Adam Clarke. Nudist. omnisexual, polyamorous, promiscuous, immune, incestuous switch.Was influenced heavily by her mother's instructions to believe that all husbands should submit to cuckolding by their wives. Attempted to hit on Lewis back when he was still gay, thus showing absolute lack of any "gaydar."
Wilbur Junior- son of the late, unlamented Wilbur Senior, owner of Wilbur's Gas and Grub. One of the many lovers of Tara Lou Watts. Brother of Willa. Nudist. Was turned into omnisexual, polyamorous, promiscuous, immune, incestuous switch by Tara's contagion.Unimpressed by his father's last-minute protests when he had been fine with everything else prior to the breeding sequence. Was surprisingly calm after Wilbur Senior was struck dead by the angel Lavelle for his interference with Heaven's breeding plans.
Willa- daughter of the late, unlamented Wilbur Senior, owner of Wilbur's Gas and Grub. One of many lovers of Tara Lou Watts. Already omnisexual, but turned polyamorous, promiscuous, immune, incestuous, switch by Tara's contagion. Nudist. Aged sixteen.
Cliff Watts- twice married former Baptist preacher, husband of Tara, ex-husband of Pamela. Has continued intimacy with his ex-wife while his wife Tara has slept with at least half the town. Nudist. Turned omnisexual, polyamorous, promiscuous, immune, incestuous switch by Tara's contagion.
Tara Lou Watts, nee Rivers- second wife of Cliff, nudist, carrier of a contagion with which she was infected by a stranger named Hershel at the age of fifteen. It turned her omnisexual, polyamorous, promiscuous, immune, incestuous switch. Seduced Till and introduced herself to the group. Her sexual urges were so powerful that her parents fled the "temptation," abandoning her in the process.
Pamela Watts- ex-wife and lover of Cliff Watts, former pastor's wife. Turned omnisexual, polyamorous, promiscuous, immune, incestuous switch by Tara's contagion, due to her continued intimacy with Cliff. Left him over his affair with Tara, but was unable to cope with her new apparent nymphomania.
Jared- guard at the federal penitentiary nearby, a deacon at the local community church that Cliff ran, and the town's lone Freemason. Husband of Leah. Lover of Tara. Turned omnisexual, polyamorous, promiscuous, immune, incestuous switch by Tara's contagion.
Leah- one of two barbers in town, the town's only Jew, wife of Jared, lover of Tara. Turned omnisexual, polyamorous, promiscuous, immune, incestuous switch by Tara's contagion.

Magic means Magic, dudes. Get over it.

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It seems to me that there is still a very large contingent of readers that bash stories as "unrealistic" or over the top in magical contexts, which is enough to make me want to tear out my hair and scream, "DID YOU MISS WHERE IT'S FUCKING MAGIC?" It's a story, anyway, and I've seen plenty of stories where magic is involved in breaking the usual obstacles to the hero's goals (often sex, but also money and power..even a revolutionary goal or agenda of some kind). Most people don't seem to have trouble with this concept, but there are some folks who seem to dismiss or attack stories as "unbelievable" when magic is involved. Um, no, this kind of story is escapist fantasy on my part and either magic, tech, or both is used to overcome the usual silly hang-ups that society rams down people's throats. Anyway, end of rant. It's just annoying when people overlook basic details such as the story codes and description of MAGIC.

The Bimbo Tech Challenge

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Anyone else interested in writing stories inspired by the Bimbo Tech universe of the Sympathetic Devil? I think that has some real potential, if you will.

We could make a real challenge of it, what do you think?

Do I have certain themes?

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Well, yes, a lot of my stuff is centered around some key ideas, but recombined, recollected, restructured somewhat, such as incest, polygamy, promiscuity, bisexuality, BDSM, and most importantly, the supernatural and post-apocalyptic, among other things. A lot of that will show up more, just be forewarned, much of the time in my works.



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