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LughIldanach: Blog


Wounded Warriors and Sensual Gynecologists

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Chapters 10 and 11 of Wounded Warriors of the Sexual Revolution are up, with mixtures of my odd real experiences, actual medicine, odd corners and unproven medicine, and a bit of fun. Most women that I know dread pelvic exams at the gynecologist. My ex-wife #1 introduced #2 to the same gynecologist, who took remarkably good care of them, including working hard to make the exam less unpleasant.

She started with knitting socks for the stirrups on the exam table, and using a warming cabinet for instruments. With informed consent from the patient, she'd also use the exam as a learning experience for partners. She had me observe as she talked her way through the procedure, and eventually, after making sure it was absolutely OK with my wife, tutored me in doing a basic exam. This actually turned out to be very useful when she fell ill with a mystery womanly problem later on.

Before, however, I could begin my first exam, M., the physician, said "Geese and ganders. Good stuff." She handed a rubber glove and a tube of lubricant to my beloved, and told me to bend over the table. She then instructed my wife in a basic male rectal exam. Actually, that was also informative, and turned out to be the start of some pleasant play -- but the point being made is both of us needed to understand both sides of a mildly invasive medical procedure. Later, I was to assist on some emergency wound care in her office, which was a lot nastier.

Hopefully, I've turned the experience into something both educational and fun here. The "Alice" character is based on one of my favorite actresses, whom some might guess but I don't quite consider this fan fiction.

The next chapter will take the gynecology into very nontraditional ways, in an environment that allows careful, monitored, ethical, sexual contact between physicians and patients.

The other main plot going on is using shamanism, sexual magick, and some real but experimental techniques to bring someone out of coma.

Sounding board for alt hist -- Cuban Missile Crisis period

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I'm challenging myself with a do-over story in which the protagonist, and a very limited number of characters in the world of return, have knowledge of future history. There are also differences in the worlds, in that the new one is more sexualized -- a registered courtesan is honored.

Traditional editing is less my concern than sounding out plot. I have a rather detailed knowledge of the military and intelligence aspects of the period, and I need to know when I'm going into the incomprehensible. When the protagonist chooses to intervene, rather than observe, I need that to be plausible.

As with many of my stories, I use this to explore some personal issues. My ex and I both had guilt issues, but mine were Jewish culture while hers was Catholic. In my case, that meant the equivalent of getting a notarized consent before touching a female. I want to look at relaxing in the alternate past, reading signals appropriately. This also makes me appreciate strongly sexual women. While I identify as het, I will consider snowballing, and sometimes bi scenes where the woman clearly wants it, as having limited m-m contact.

"Sexually Acquired Neoplastic Disorder"

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It was in the eighties, IIRC, when a Penthouse Variations knockoff called Vibrations was publishing erotic function. There was a serial, IIRC again by a name science fiction author, that was built around a deliberately engineered disease, "Sexually Acquired Neoplastic Disorder".

It was both frightening, but also had some of the best erotic writing that I've ever seen. The premise was that the virus developer's lover had been an AIDS victim in a particularly nasty time of "neopuritans". He developed a virus that was both an aphrodisiac and also specifically depressed immunity to cancer. The virus was spread through a popular "endorphin" used as a sexual aid.

Google produces no hits. I'm even wondering if the author made an effort to pull the story.

Does this ring any bells for anyone?

Some gender fluidity

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I wonder if there would be interest in a certain amount of stories dealing with what I'll call mild gender fluidity. Sexuality researchers refer to "facultative homosexuality" for people who experiment in single-gender environments. That's not my primary thrust here.

No, I'm thinking of swinging, especially from the seventies, where the men were scared of even incidental MM. I remember a time, however, where I definitely enjoyed watching some FF play, after which a very bi woman came up to me. "I see you like us playing. Don't you think that we might like to see some men doing the same to entertain us, with no guilt?

Given that she had the biggest natural and shapely bust I'd ever seen, and that she was generally attactive, I listened to her ideas. Eventually, while she and I were making it in a bedroom of the orgy house, the guy who owned the house came in an and suggested I kiss him--and that soon became clear it meant going down on him. The idea clearly excited my female partner, who was eager to please me any way that I wanted, as long as she could get an intimate look at what the men did.

Is this are, both true and do-over, something of interest?

Need help balancing the academic and erotic

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Working on finishing the dormant "Wounded Warriors of the Sexual Revolution" story, and would like to find someone to read and comment on a particular challenge. I've had a character that, loosely, has been comatose, perhaps due to explorations of magick as an anthropologist.

There is some evidence that he may be in a nonordinary state of consciousness, such as a shamanic trance. Some academic anthropologists are proposing to try some of their work on such trances on him.

It's perfectly consistent with the plot for the visiting scientist to explain some of the theory -- inbetween sexual encounters. The treatment will draw, among other things, from South Asian tantric sexual magick.

I need people that have some knowledge of shamanism and the like, as well as storytelling, to suggest if I need more or less explanation, and some help in getting the chapter to flow.



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