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LughIldanach: Blog


Descriptions that attract readers

Posted at 11/8/2014, 9:50:13 PM

Would anyone have feedback on how best to write story descriptions to encourage downloads? My best stories have decent votes when there is voting, but there aren't many.

What did I do right? :-)

Posted at 9/21/2014, 11:21:46 PM

Still in progress, but "Honeys after the Honeymoon" is getting the highest ratings I've ever gotten, substantially more than its predecessor, "I left my heart, and her vibrator, in San Francisco".

I'm not complaining. Still, I'd greatly appreciate any messages that tell me what people have liked, or the direction that the story may go.

It manages, I hope, to have close to wall-to-wall sex, but also a plot.

New chapter of Honeys

Posted at 9/16/2014, 9:07:29 PM

Chapter 4 of Honeys is up for posting. This story is a sequel to "I left my heart, and her vibrator, in San Francisco." This chapter starts to go outside a great deal of sex, with the household starting to collaborate in business.

Yes, it's intelligence-related business, but this won't be about a doofus like James Bond.

I've enabled voting. Do let me know what you think, in comments, votes, or both.

Slight changes to Honeys

Posted at 9/12/2014, 2:12:00 PM

New version being uploaded, mostly to fix formatting problem. Chapter 2 does have some content cleanup.

After uploading a chapter or two more, I'll turn on voting. My guess is that the story will run 8-10 chapters.

Tasting Honeys after the Honeymoon

Posted at 9/11/2014, 10:34:44 PM

Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote, " When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn."

In my new story, "Honeys after the Honeymoon", tight places are rather pleasant. This is a sequel to "I left my heart, and her vibrator, in San Francisco." While it doesn't quite qualify, in my mind, as do-over, the characters are based on real people. As the plot thickens, there will be some pleasant variants on stressful situations variously in the workplace, and with health issues. It's nice to be able to decree inherited wealth, and also freedom from legal constraints on consensual sex.

This is a universe where there are no conventional sexually transmitted diseases, although early cybersex could result in carpal tunnel syndrome.

As in many of my stories, there are autobiographical aspects, although I won't necessarily say which details. They do give me an opportunity to examine my past, my hopes and fantasies, and, I hope, future directions.



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