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Kid Wigger: Blog


Gee Haw! Code Monkey issue.

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I've received an email stating that, "gee means right, haw means left."

In the United States and Canada, that does hold true.

However, in England and other countries in the United Kingdom, and in Europe, Gee and Haw are reversed. Gee signals the animal to turn away from the driver's side and Haw signals the animal to turn toward the driver's side and, as people from North American who visit England, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, and Europe discover, the cars and trucks have the driver's wheel in the passenger's seat and you drive on the wrong side of the road.

That conforms to the same driving convention from the times of horse drawn vehicles. With the driver on the other side Gee and Haw get turned around. The Centaurs learned from their Maori Mentors. They came from New Zealand and so their Gee and Haw are reversed. That is also why Pegasia moved to the right side of the Centaur Way when Kix was confused by her first call of Gee. Once she was in position Kix was accustom to, Gee told Kix to turn left.

The ? in some words in latest chaper of Code Monkey.

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I attempted to put in the proper diacritical marks above vowels in certain Maori words and failed. I'm going to go back and fix those along with any other missing letters or words and repost the chapter in the next day or two. I am sory for my failure. It will not happen that way again. Thanks to everyone who emailed.

Chapter 34 of Code Monkey will post sometime Monday the 20th

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Chapter 34 is in the submission wizard and set to drop to the moderators at 8pm on Sunday the 19th, so look for it Monday. Chapter 35 is in the wizard and set to post on August 20th. I've got chapters 36 and 37 almost to the first proofreader stage, so those will be in the submission wizard soon as well.

Now that I'm well on the way to recovery from my surgery, I've have a huge list of house maintenance I must do, that is one reason I'm trying to get my cushion of non-posted chapters as far ahead as possible. I also like to have the extra chapters so I can back edit as needed when new story items not in my written plots show up. Thank the muse.

Anyway, have good reads, good health, and good friends.

Thank you for helping with Code Monkey

Posted at Updated:

I want to thank Erik, Steve, Paul, and Anne for all your help with whipping each chapter of Code Monkey into shape. I also want to thank each of the generous readers who have taken time to send emails of any kind. A special thank you to each person who decided to help support the effort with donations.

The next two chapters are going into the submission wizard today. Chapter 34 will drop to the moderators at 8 pm July 19th, so look for the next chapter on the 20th. Chapter 35 will drop on the 19th of August. I'm well into writing chapters 36 and 37 and I seem to picking up steam.

My recovery from surgery is proceeding ahead. I'm about to be healthy enough to begin doing chores outside that some of my wonderful cousins have been doing in my place. Mowing around the Palace and such. There is a huge backlog on the To Do list. I hope to forge ahead and finish each item while continuing to write on a daily basis. At some point I will need to return to work as well. I hope to have a large buffer of written and edited chapters before that happens.

Thanks to everyone for being so receptive to Flight of the Code Monkey.

More Code Monkey chapters in the pipeline

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Two more chapters of Code Monkey have started through the editing pipeline. Once the final proofreader does his wonderful work and I update my master files, the next chapter of CM will be uploaded to SOL.

Now that I know the submission wizard releases a pre-scheduled story at 8:00 pm on the date the author selects, I will schedule each chapter to go to the moderators on the 19th of the month so new chapters should post EARLY on the 20th of July and August. All the following chapters of Code Monkey will follow the same schedule.

Have good reads and good health.



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