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'Aww fuck me' Chapter 9 been posted, as well as a rewrites of chapters 7, and 8 that may clear some things up for my readers about the odd little man.
I hope you enjoy.
Sorry for the delay, with my move and everything, I was just not happy with what I had been writing.
Still not sure I am, but I got to get something out , if for no other reason than to get myself out of the rut I'm in.
Chapter 7 been posted. Please be kind, I have been recovering from Jet lag.
Away for a bit, while I return home to the states. Then pulling my things out storage, and get back to my self built desk top, and away form this net-book that I am strongly thinking of deep sixing, or as we often say in the Navy give it a flotation test. If it floats I may tie a weight to it, and test it again.
Oh by the way chapter 7 about half done, sorry for the delay. I did end the last chapter with him pushing a button , Right?
"Aw Fuck Me!"Chapter 5 is now posted of
It is a bit shorter, other than that what can I say.
Send a comment if you see something written like crap. I will try to fix it with lots of TP.
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