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Grey Dragon: Blog


Due to the fact

Posted at

Due to the fact I have been posting here 15-20 years, I have learned squat about posting.

Now after spending weeks updating I go ahead and repost.

Sounds simple right? NOOoooooooooo.

Seems there are different parts, or names. I can't just post Chapter 1 and expect it be first. Nope not going to happen.

I just had to repost the entire story, to get rid of one chapter that I had thought I had gotten rid of.

Not only that I had thought to add one or two pictures. Nope I can't seem to do that as well.

Well hopefully the story has posted right this time.

Looking at the number of people that had already downloaded it I am humbled.

Thank you for reading. I will be getting to the new stuff as soon as I clean up the old.

Just posted a short new chapter. GD

Posted at Updated:

I just posted a short new chapter to 'The Count Down the Year 2042.'


Grey Dragon here of the Ah fuck me/Compound story

Posted at

I have just posted an addition to the Ah fuck me/Compound storyline. named:

Count down,
Year 2042

It does not follow the chronological order of the other chapters. This chapter takes place in 2042-3 some 5 years after their return from the past. (2037)

There will be references to things I haven't introduced but are in the earlier chapters not yet posted.

I am working on others and will be posting them out of order as well, I will be placing the Dates in the chapter headings, so hopefully, it won't be too confusing.

Sorry for the delay. The ideas come, and they don't always run linearly.

Stay tuned, and as always, thanks for reading.

Hopefully I'm writing again

Posted at

The last year I don't have to tell you, have been HELL.

That being said hopefully I'm writing again.

Going back and forth, writing new stuff, and rewriting the old.

It will be interesting.

Once again, thanks for reading and putting up with my inactivity.

To my Editor Tenderloin/Jim

Posted at

Had a drive melt down, lost your email

Send me a message with your email



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