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We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

Denham Forrest: Blog


Hi folks

Posted at

Seasons Greetings to all who care.

I was hoping to have posted another story or two by now. I must assure everyone that I have been working on three (supposedly) short stories of late.

(Yeah yeah, I know; I've got some proofreaders out there will be asking "How-come you haven't got around to finishing any of these bleeding novellas we've worked so hard on? I'll get back to the buggers before long I promise!)

Anyway, like everything I write, these three short tales appear to be doing a "Maisy" on me and are growing into yarns that I didn't intend to write.

(I've no idea where that saying came from by the way. I might even have it wrong. But somewhere in the back of my mind I recall the line "Maisy just grow'd and grow'd!" Mind you, it could-well have been Daisy who did all the growing, I'm getting too bloody old to remember anything in detail nowadays. If by any-chance anyone else recalls what poem or song or children's story that line comes from, put this old fart out of his misery will you; please?)

Whatever, time and temperament have conspired to prevent me achieving my goal of posting something new.

Yeah well, it only needs one of those slimy-gits to appear on the TV news and my blood starts to boil and then I'm not in the mood to write anything but hate mail!

Can you believe those buggers? "Oh, we don't want a pay-rise honestly; but the decision to give it to us is completely out of our hands!" Jesus, if chancellor can put a pay freeze/limit on civil servants pay, how come he can't do the same for MP's? The answer is, that all politicians talk bullshit!

Shit, how did I get onto politics? I must be getting old.

Whatever, enjoy the holiday everyone and I'll try to "get my arse in gear" in 2014.


Hi folks,

Posted at

Been away a while but I hope I'm back now and I'm putting Tempus Frangit up on a couple of sites to prove it. Some people might have already read the yarn on Fine Stories though.

My apologies go to some readers who've written to me over the last few months. Regretfully I wasn't in a position to reply to them for a while and before was, my network had a nasty little visitor. I can't blame anyone else but my self for letting the bugger in, because it was I who let my guard down and opened the door for the sod.

Regretfully in the resulting carnage, l've lost all of my emails and all additions made to my email address book since 2010.

Yeah, yeah, I know! But like a clown I started keeping all email my back-ups on the same bleeding computer after a memory stick went down on me some time back, and my little visitor seems to have scrambled them. After several weeks of trying, I've given up trying to recover them now.

Luckily all of my tales of woe are synchronised every week or so across every damned computer I have here and an external USB drive, so they all escaped.

I'm pretty sure that a lot of folks wont like Tempus Frangit, but I really enjoyed writing the bugger. And to be honest, that's the most important thing to me, having fun with my writing. If some of you folks enjoy reading it, then so much the better.


Let's get one thing straight Ronnie!

Posted at

I am not an onery old bugger and I never have been.

On his own admission that trait is reserved for certain gentleman (and popular writer) who resides in Alabama.

I am correctly described as a miserable old git!



Posted at

I think some of DC's readers and his friends on the internet would like to be made aware that Dave suffered a heart attack early last Monday morning.

Fortunately it was a mild one (as heart attacks go) and Dave was in the local hospital cardiac unit receiving the relevant treatment in double quick time.

Besides having been confined to a hospital bed, bored out of his tiny skull and (as as Dave claims) hooked just about every bit heart monitoring electronics that's ever been invented for 48 hours, Dave "appears" none the worse for the experience.

Although he is rather perturbed about the changes that are now to be enforced upon his diet and lifestyle. Won't that be fun for all of us here, Christ he's going to be one 'onery bugger for a while

And believe it or not, some folks will be pleased to hear that, because Dave will be forced to return to the more sedentary existence he had a few years back and that should lead to more of his tales getting completed.

Your best wishes won't cheer Dave up about those lifestyle changes by the way. But they might prompt him to get back to concentrating on his writing again.

R Gibb's



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