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Denham Forrest: Blog


Denham Forrest?

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I've been asked quite a few times of late, where the name Denham Forrest comes from; basically because people have been unable to locate such a place on a map.

The fact is, when I was researching a name to use for an author character in one of the yarns I was writing that I first came-up with the name "Denham Forrest".

When one (don't that sound pretentious, but I'm sure that is the correct term to use) is writing, one has to be careful if one is being too specific about a character's life and/or lifestyle, that they cannot inadvertently be mistaken for some person who does actually exist.

Denham woods was a area I fondly recalled from my courting days as young man. It had a number of those very secluded, quiet and dark parking places that can prove to be so necessary at that time on ones life; I'm sure you get the general idea.

Denham, I'd decided was a suitably close sounding (but different) replacement for Denholm and therefor hopefully would be unique as a Christian name. And Forrest with the double "R" I planned would help to differentiate there as well.

However when I found that I was receiving numerous complaints that "The Wanderer's" story's were almost impossible to locate via a Internet search engine (about 3,000th. on the list, I believe) the same day as I was about to post anther story. I realized that needed replacement for my original pen name in a hurry. So I purloined a name that I'd researched from my files.

The strange thing is, within months of it's first posting some bright-spark had entered a competition or race or something in the USA registering under the name "Denham Forrest". Mind you, I've never found another listing for the bloke, so I got it figured that it was someone having some fun or not wishing to register under his real name for some reason.

Explanation complete, I hope.

Rather odd!

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I know I haven't been around much lately (posting-wise), however I feel somewhat upset to receive a "friendly" email reminder from SOL informing me that my account is likely to be deleted in the near future because it hasn't been used for three months or so.

All rather odd because, either I or my friend and associate Ron (usually responsible for my actual physical postings) check's the current download situation on all of my yarns on an almost (but not quite) daily basis. Both on this site and a couple of others. Almost all of my computers are permanently logged into the story site's and the pages regularly updated whenever they are switched on.

I feel another bout of cantankerous-old-fart-ness coming on!


My apologies, for being absent for so long!

Posted at

Lazeez's automatic systems have, have marked "Shut-Up and Drive" as incomplete and inactive. Which I must admit is partly true. However the yarn hasn't been abandoned or moved to my "Maybe sometime folder."

In fact, although I originally only wrote a short, that comprised the first chapter posted here. Chapters Three, Four and Five are all sitting here on my hard drives. However unfortunately at this time, the fourth chapter is only half complete and I have to be in the right mood before I can return to it.

Third person omniscience is not my favoured writing genre and I've had so much (relatively) going on in my life the last year or so, that I can't drop into my dream worlds as readily as I once could.

Hopefully we'll get back to the good old days, before very much longer.

Best wishes to all my regular readers. I promise I haven't forgotten you!

However having said all that, I must point out that my son is temporarily in residence with us whilst he's between contracts (when I was younger we called unemployed, but like thespians he terms it resting).

Whatever my study was his bedroom for many years, so I doubt get the peace and quite I require for writing until he signs a new contract, somewhere.


Obligations wrong file!

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It would appear that somehow the wrong file for Obligations got posted yesterday. I see several typos and errors that I do recall correcting when a proofreader pointed them out to me a couple of weeks ago.

I'm trying to work out where and how the mix-up occurred. I suspect that the file somehow got moved moved into the formatting folder on my main machine before Sync program had run that day. Regretfully many of the early drafts and working files for the story have already been cleared from my systems here, with them went the proofs.

I'm going to hang-fire on everything until I understand what has gone wrong. So I doubt there will a posting from me today.

Still kicking, just about.

Posted at

I had been hoping that I'd have the extensions to Shut Up and Drive sorted by this time, but unfortunately I've been distracted. Chapter three and the final Chapter five are complete, but Chapter four has come to a halt about halfway through. Lack of time and self-discipline I'm afraid, there are so many other ideas to play with and the days seem to be getting shorter.

Anyway I've decided to post three distractions during the next few days to prove that I am still alive.

One of them (Obligations) I'm not completely happy with and I might return to it at some time in the future. But I'm posting it now because I fear I might possibly never get back to it and then it would languish among many other similarly abandoned yarns on my hard drives forever.

Silly Ol' fart put this up under the wrong Pen Name earlier. Another Senior moment. I tell ya, the old bugger's getting past it!



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