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DanK: Blog


Béla Book 8, part 5, chapter 10

Posted at

I've been gone a long time... literally years. I've been able to write a few paragraphs at a time, with intervals so long I would have to reread what i'd written just to find out where I was. Anyway, I hope what I've submitted is acceptable. Or at least, continuity (Is that the right word?)correct.


Bela book 8, section 5, chapter 9

Posted at

Please turn your hymnals to chapter... Yeah, right. I'm so drugged up right now that I hope I didn't leave anyone in the lurch between posting that last chapter and doing my 'final' edit on it. I don't even know how good it is (or bad), as my cognitive abilities are on the fritz from all the back-pain medication I'm taking. I find myself staring at a screen-full of dddddddddddddddddddddddddddd's that covered 57 pages, and can only hope that the sentences before that at least make some kind of sense. And, with that, I'm going to hobble back into the bedroom and squall like a baby until I get that posture pump properly seated against my lower back.

23 Skiddoo, baby

Bela 8 new chapters

Posted at

I labeled part 5, "Conclusion", but there are still several chapters I've written for it. I start out intending to get these characters to finish off the story, then one of them takes off on her own - almost like they don't want this to end - and I have to send other characters to the rescue. Bringing this puppy home is like trying to herd cats - which is actually easier, 'cause cats can't teleport (can they?).

OH! I love feedback, but I can't answer if you're not signed in. Replies to 'Anonymous - do not answer' don't work, as the SOL thingie doesn't know where to send it. But, I'd rather hear from you anonymously than not at all.

A couple more chapters and book 8 will be finished.


Bela 8 new chapter 4-10

Posted at

I posted chapter 4-10 a couple of days ago but when rereading it I found a couple of typos. Fixed now. Anybody else find any, let me know. Thanks.

Warning: Brutal sex

Then, than, that, who - who cares anyway? I do!

Posted at

Started reading a story that was posted here 10 years ago about a country music star. Stopped reading after the second paragraph 'cause the writer used a 'then' instead of a 'than'.

"She was a girl that loved to have fun, enjoyed her fans and loved performing, but it was a rough life for close friends or any kind of love life other THEN one night stands."

Same paragraph, another grammatical error was "She was a girl THAT loved to have fun" instead of 'WHO loved to have fun". THAT refers to an inanimate object. WHO refers to people.

Sad. Never gonna find out if that story was any good or not.

Rant over. Bye.



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