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DanK: Blog


Books 1 - 5 are finished

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As the title of this entry sez - 1 thru 5 are a done deal. Any typos I missed, feel free to point them out to me, as well as any continuity errors, which sometimes happens when I'm working on more than one storyline at a time. Easy to get mixed up, ya know?

I've been reading some of the forum threads, and people talk about plot lines and other stuff I really don't understand - my 'writing method' consists of putting a character in a situation and finding out what happens. That's it - no plot intended. I get my ideas from the characters as they move through the story, which is why so many strange things happen to them, I suppose. They do it, and I type it. The character, Beth, for example, on finding herself in a universe where absolutely anything could happen to her, decided to experience it all - life, death, rebirth, true love, betrayal, evolution. She interfered with several of the other characters, insisting that she be included in their stories as well. Which is pretty impressive, as she didn't even show up until book 2. Béla, on the other hand, let me write just about anything I wanted about her. Completely submissive. She even let me kill her at the end of book 1. By the end of book 5, she knew she needed to evolve, but she simply didn't know how to do it. Anyway, it all seemed to work out. I hope you enjoy reading the story as much as I enjoyed writing it.

'Wrinkles In Time' is finished!

Posted at

Whew! It's August already. Book 3 is done, now, with this last submission.

I've been submitting several chapters at a time, then re-reading each one to correct any typos and stuff that are more visible in the 'Finished Product' version that appears here at Storiesonline.

I already have a dozen chapters of 'Timewalker' ready to submit, and I plan to continue the above approach, making final corrections on each chapter after inspecting the 'finished product', so If you happen to run across a just-submitted chapter with glaring typos or fucked up Italics, wait a couple of days and you'll prob'ly find it's been fixed. If not, feel free to message me and I'll fix it and resubmit.

Happy reading,

Book 2 done

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I've finished editing (messing with) the existing files posting on this site. There are a couple of minor changes I'd make in that last chapter just to make sentences flow better, but I'm going to let it stand as is with the new HTML I just added.

I'll be starting on the chapters from book 3 later this week. Enjoy!

Found a great series of stories

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I just discovered 'Larisa's World', a series of stories about a beautiful silver-haired genie, created by Danielle Kitten (who is also an actual published author in real life), written as a series by several different authors, including her.

I can't say a lot about Larisa's World as I've just started reading the stories in it, but I find it fascinating and try to get in at least one chapter a day (filling a void I discovered after I caught up with Samantha K's imaginative and wonderful Dragon Chronicles). So - Brad - here's two authors you can check out while I work on updating Bela.

Adding chapters to my story

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It's been brought to my attention (by a reader who is actually keeping track of my posts - which delights me no end, as I'm just grateful that there are actually people out there reading it), that when I add a chapter in the middle of a story which is already posted here, like when I break a long chapter in half or add stuff that was edited out when originally posted, it changes the total number of chapters of that story. (Duh, like I would've eventually figured that out...) That causes a notice to be sent out (to readers who are keeping track) that a new chapter has been added. In this case, that's not true. I simply added something to the middle of the story. Sorry about that...

Anyway, I'm changing chapter titles as I edit them (adding HTML and dialogue and stuff), so to see what's been changed, check the beginning of a chapter for a 'last edited' notice.

Thanks. And I apologize for any confusion.



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