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The group keeps finding ways to bypass Miller's continuing suspicions. Yeah, he's paranoid. But are all paranoiacs necessarily wrong? Meantime, Hill changes her pattern.
Well, Roarin' Rory seems to be more enthralled with Sgt. Zo than with her previous partners. But there are unexpected glitches inn the Edenites' technological progress. The barriers to that progress are apparently a little different than faced developing humans in Earth's history. That theme will come up again, and much more seriously.
Roarin' Rory is at it again, while Miller is increasingly isolated and the species' relationship continues to flourish.
The two species resume their burgeoning relationship, but Miller remains suspicious--just as Igwanda was in their prior visit. Is he right? He's not very likeable, but that doesn't make him necessarily wrong.
The irrepressible Rory just jumped off the screen at me as I was writing this. Unlike what a lot of professors teach about writing fiction, I don't work from an outline. I have an idea where I'm heading and then just let the characters dictate how I get there. Sometimes, in fact, I don't wind up where I originally set out to go at all, and the story suddenly swerves in direction. On not a few occasions I've found myself writing something I never intended at the start. Each new page is thus sometimes as much of a surprise to me as it is to you, the reader. That's kind of the fun of writing fiction. In non-fiction you're constrained by the reality, the facts of the subject about which you're writing. With fiction the only limit is your imagination, and you can give your creativity fuller reign. So when Rory insisted on coming to life in my mind I decided to follow her more as the story developed. She'll be around now and again as the return visit to Eden goes forward.
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