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Celtic Bard: Blog


New ItDF Submitted

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It is a bit later than I thought when I posted to my Facebook page a few days ago, but Chapter Four of In the Darkness Falling has been submitted. This is a long one and took longer than I thought to edit it plus I had workmen tearing out central air systems at my house the last few days so quiet time with the computer was non-existent. Also, my brain tends not to work as well when being steamed in the Georgia heat without AC to help out with that. All of that being said, you should be able to get your eyes on Chapter Four some time tomorrow.

As for other things, I have been making slow progress on other stuff I have been working on but nothing that is ready to post, unfortunately. So enjoy the latest In the Darkness Falling and feel free to let me know what you think here on on my Facebook page ( or LiveJournal blog (

Chapter 3 of ItDF Is Submitted

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I meant to get this up this past weekend but it slipped my mind. I submitted Chapter Three of In the Darkness Falling tonight so it should be up sometime tomorrow. I may or may not get a new chapter of either Future Distorted or Anomaly of the Fates in the near-ish future. I think I have some of those two written down somewhere, I just have to find what I did with them and then transcribe the chicken-scratch. Since I have no idea where it is or how long typing it in will take, I make no promises or predictions on the ETA on those. So enjoy some more Alice/Alexa and abide in patience.

New ItDF!

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Real quick, I have just posted Chapter 2 of In the Darkness Falling so it should be up later today or early tomorrow. Enjoy!

New-Old Stories Found!

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Whilst moving things about in my room yesterday, I came across two stories I wrote/started quite a while back that I thought had been lost in between computer upgrades years ago. Hard copies, if you can believe that! Anyway, I was overjoyed because for one of the stories I had started a sequel but couldn't finish it due to lack of a story to consult regarding details and continuity. When I started There Be Dragons! years ago, it was in an attempt to write something aimed more at kids. So no swearing, no blood and gore, easier vocabulary and syntax, and a little bit of an adventure for a daydreaming orphan who loved his grandfather's stories.

That was the first story. The second story was an attempt to create an origin story for vampires in the first novel I ever wrote. It took me three years to finish the first novel (600 single-spaced pages in MS Word) after I graduated high school and when I was done I immediately started on the sequel. About halfway through the sequel I went back to reread the first novel and stopped. I stopped reading and stopped writing the sequel because my first novel was dreadful. Not the characters or the concept, just the actual writing. Bad syntax, simplistic vocabulary, wandering plotlines . . . just dreadful to read. So Books 1 and 2 of my writing career went on a proverbial shelf and everything connected to it was forgotten with the half-hearted hope that I might re-write them one day. Curse of the Vampyr, however, was still a good short story and I liked the concept behind it. I just didn't have a complete copy of it. Now I do.

So, sometime this week I will be getting them submitted after typing them into the computer, doing a little re-writing, and then editing them. There Be Dragons! will be first and that should be submitted sometime tomorrow barring real life intruding. Curse of the Vampyr will be later in the week.

So look for them this week and then this weekend or the beginning of next week will be Chapter 2 of In the Darkness Falling. That is all for now. Enjoy the new stuff coming your way soon!

Problems with Kindle

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A reader e-mailed me to inform me that The Dark Wars, the Kindle omnibus of Enter the Darkness and the other Dark Wars short stories, was downloading on Kindle as one of the Reign books (Reign of Havok, I think). He tried to get Amazon to correct the problem but without luck and so he contacted me. This was the first I heard about it but I have since reloaded The Dark Wars to Kindle and it should be up and the correct book in a day or two. Sorry if anybody got caught up in the mess and I appreciate the alert and those of you supporting me with your hard-earned dollars. Every sale helps in regards to helping me be able to focus more on the writing and I hate when anyone runs into problems with your patronage. Hopefully this will sort out the issue and thanks again.



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