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Celtic Bard: Blog


New Alice Chapter

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I have just submitted Chapter 8 of In the Darkness Falling and it should be posted sometime later tonight or tomorrow. Sorry my posting schedule has slipped but work was very hectic for a couple of months and I needed more time to decompress than I thought I would. Unfortunately, writing brings in some money but not enough to do it full-time yet. Hopefully, now that I have gotten things flowing again, the posts will come a little more frequently. I will probably be posting a new chapter for Anomaly of the Fates within the week as well, as it is almost completed. I will try to get back to Future Distorted after that, since I have been getting mail asking about that and AotF. I will try to stave off the new ideas that keep poking me and try to concentrate on the In Progress stories until they are finished off.

That is all for now. Enjoy the new stuff coming your way and, as always, I welcome you thoughts.

Humble Apologies

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I beg your pardon for being nearly a month late with the next chapter of In the Darkness Falling but work exploded on me and I have had little time to get it ready for those of you waiting so very patiently. It is written, I just haven't had time to read through it one final time. I will endeavor to do so this weekend so look back tomorrow or Sunday for that. And it follows that since I was so late with this month's chapter, next month's will also likely be late. I have had little to no time to write of late and have just been fried mentally. I am hoping by mid-month things will get better and I will get back on top of things, writing-wise.

Chapter 6 of ItDF ready

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As the entry title says, Chapter 6 of In the Darkness Falling has been submitted for your reading pleasure. Sorry it is a bit late but I had family in town and so I didn't really have time to edit and post it until today. The writing for this story is about half completed at this point, at least I hope. I was projecting this story to be about 15 or so chapters long and I am well into Chapter 8. It is getting hard to fight off the urgings of my muse as she keeps hitting me with ideas for the next book in this series. I have already written the Prologue for the next Dark Wars book that I have tentatively titled A Phoenix in the Shadows. I have also been fighting off the urge to start writing ItDF backwards as ideas for how to end the book keep popping into my head. The Epilogue for ItDF is already written and I know what the last chapter or two is going to look like but I don't want to start writing them or I will find myself somewhere I did not plan on going with this story. There are a few more chapters along the road the story is traveling now and then we will have a time jump of a few of months leading up to the grand finale.

I have also been fighting the urge to write another Alice/Alexa short story, probably having to do with the Weretiger incident that Edgar was a part of that was already mentioned and will be mentioned again shortly. I will eventually write that one down, but I really want to wrap up ItDF first.

As far as Anomaly of the Fates is concerned, I have the next chapter written down but I have not had the opportunity to get it in the computer yet. Sorry about that for those of you waiting patiently on that one. Future Distorted will also probably be a while before anything new on that story gets done. Again, my apologies to those waiting on that one, too.

I will leave things there for now. Chapter 6 of In the Darkness Falling will be up later tonight or tomorrow. Enjoy and let me know what you think.

God of Central Park West

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I have submitted a new story entitled God of Central Park West. It is about a mysterious residential tower in New York City that seems to be involved in the dead bodies that keep dropping in Central Park and that the NYPD has been investigating ever since the tower's appearance. It was an odd idea that came to me a while back and that I have been working on, off and on, for about a year. At first the tower was going to be sentient, but that idea slowly morphed into what I eventually wound up writing. So check out the new story and enjoy.

New Stuff and Updates

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Your patience will be rewarded later today as I will be posting the latest chapter to Future Distorted. I need to wrap up editing today and I will get it up ASAP. I also have the greater portion of the next chapter of Anomaly of the Fates written down but it needs transcribing into the computer and editing before it is ready. I also have a new story I have mentioned a time or two in the past titled God of Central Park West nearly complete but it also needs transcribing and editing before I can post it. It is a longer short story, a bit longer than A Match Made in the Hindu Kush, set in New York City concerning a high-rise apartment building that mysteriously appears on Central Park West and seems to cause odd things to occur around it. It might be a few days before that one is ready for posting but I will try to expedite things.

That is all for now. I appreciate your continued reading and always welcome comments here, on Facebook ( or, or my blog (

EDIT (9:56 PM 30/4/2015): I didn't get Chapter 9 of Future Distorted submitted yesterday, sorry about that but I was having trouble with and then got interrupted. It is submitted now and should be up by tomorrow, if not sooner. Hopefully I got the chapter submitted on FS, but the site was acting up so I won't know until I check back tomorrow. Enjoy!



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