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Celtic Bard: Blog



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I know it has been a while, and for that I apologize. I have gotten a bit better, but probably will not ever get back to where I was. For those not following, I was in a car accident a few years back that left my knee pretty banged up and requiring surgery. The surgery was not completely helpful, though the lack of scar tissue grinding away in my knee is nice. I know I left a few projects hanging, but sitting down to write is still a very uncomfortable thing to do, so I can only do so for short spells. As such, I have tried to concentrate on the project I started before the accident that is intended for publication. Only after that can I get back to those stories that are left without endings on this platform. I apologize for that and hope to eventually get back to finish up those stories for you all. I can't give a timeline because the book I am working on has run over the chapter goal I set and is taking longer than I wanted it to. Besides, my history of making timelines here over the last few years has shown that to be folly. I really appreciate the support and kind words that have been sent and, of course, the patience and understanding.

Still struggling

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I know it has been a while since I posted anything and someone's message recently prodded me to explain to those of you still hanging on in the middle (or even near the end in the case of In the Darkness Falling) of one of my stories.

I was in an accident almost two years ago. Initially I was told it would heal, if slowly, on it own with the help of PT. At the end of last year I was told I was going to have to have exploratory (and possibly repairing) surgery. Enter the lawyers. As anyone who has had to deal with insurance companies knows, the process is not swift. Add in injury liability and things go even slower. Add in the fact that the insurance company will be negotiating with itself and things can get tricky. I am hoping things will pick up and I can get my injuries repaired soon so I can get back to writing and working. Truthfully, I have missed both but neither has been a realistic possibility with my knee not liking anything I do with it.

Anyway, that is the update and sorry things have been glacial in progressing. It has been even more frustrating for me, I promise.

Rage Appendix

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I want to thank everyone for the kind words regarding my recovery. I really appreciate it.

As for the Appendix for the Rage Series, I was forced to add it as a second chapter to Rage VII, so you can find it there. It is a quick rundown of some of the Societies (mentioned and unmentioned in the series) and some terms that come up that may not be clear.

I'm Back . . . Sort of.

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Well, I know some of you wondered if I was dead. I'm not. In May, I was in a car accident that badly injured my knee. This made it literal torture to sit at a computer and thus made it a little hard to write. The pain also made the creative process come to a halt. The knee still hurts and so writing is still slow-going, but I am starting to get some done.

In that vein, I have submitted a couple of things for those who have been waiting. Sadly, not In the Darkness Falling. The first thing I started thinking about when the inspiration started flowing was the Rage Series. I know many people saw Rage V and Rage VII and thought I messed up but no, I simply came up with VII before Rage VI came to me. Also, a number of people have written to me asking about some background on the Rage Series. So, I have just submitted Rage VI: The Anarchy Maneuver and Rage Series Appendices for your enjoyment.

I will start working on getting back to ItDF and hopefully that will be forthcoming soon, but most of that is dependent on how my knee progresses. Sadly, my doctors have left me little in the way of a prognosis timeline since the injuries are simply things that have to heal on their own without surgery. A lot of my time during the day is taken up by physical therapy exercises and recovery from them. This leaves very little writing time during the day and so it will be slow-going until it heals.

In the Darkness Falling Chapter 15 Submitted

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I just posted the next chapter for In the Darkness Falling. Sorry it took so long but I got sidetracked with Rage VI, which should be wrapped up soon. Speaking of wrapping up soon, I am thinking two more postings for ItDF, Chapter 16 and the Epilogue. My plans for Alice post-ItDF have changed and I think there might be a pause between this book and the next so that I can work on other things that have languished unfinished while I tried to wrap up this one. Barring any interference from my Muse, of course.

So check out the new chapter and feel free to let me know what you think.



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