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Banadin: Blog


Out of town

Posted at

I will be on the road next week so will only post on Fridays for the next two weeks instead of Tuesday and Friday.

The worse is over

Posted at

I have been able to remove the brace I've had to wear since my Dupuytrens procedure. Try typing with a brace locking your ring and little finger together on your right hand (I'm right handed.) The brace also stuck out two inches more than my fingers. Don't even ask my wife about getting smacked in the head in the middle of the night. Honey it's the brace! I'm sticking to that story. I know others on the site have had much worse trials and tribulations and I feel for them, but happy that my little problem is better.

Blame it on the drugs

Posted at

I accidently wrote the 5th chapter in 3PoV instead of 1. I just reposted in 1PoV. This past week I had injections to fix my Dupuytrens, is a condition where a finger is bent and cannot be straighten. I ended up with injections in fingers and palm of my hand. Plus I had a twelve hour drive each way to get to the Doctor. That is my story and I am sticking to it. Frankly I don't know how I got anything posted. Sorry for the confusion and many thanks to those that pointed it out.

Tunnel in the Sky

Posted at

As several readers have pointed out, the Heinlein story was Tunnel in the Sky. Farmer in the sky was another book. Blame it on relying on 50 plus year old memories instead of fact checking on the internet.


Posted at

A stobor was an unknown, unforeseeable nasty beast in a story, by Robert Heinlein, Farmer in the Sky. It was a very popular young adult book in the 1950's. I have made mention of books that my protagonist was reading and giving hints without writing the title. That one was to deep, almost sorry about that. :)



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