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Banadin: Blog


End of Ninth Grade

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While it is the end of the ninth grade for Ricky, it is not the end of his saga. I will be taking several months off to start the next story. There will be another story of a different flavor being posted in between this and Tenth Grade, Hey who said I was good at original titles.
There will be a chapter 40 next week listing all the books by title and author that Ricky has read. There will also be a few notes about some of the people he met along the way. These are both real and fictional.
Questions remain, have we found out Mum's deepest secrets? Does Dad have a past we don't know about? Will Ricky end up owning his own Space-X? Will Mary be a stewardess? Or a roller skating waitress? Will she ever give up her tiara? Inquiring minds want to know.

Sad note about my Bellefontaine

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Followers of the Rick Jackson Saga might have noticed his hometown of Bellefontaine, Ohio in the news. It is sadly about a mother killing her three children. It occurred within a block of where my real Mum lives. What a sad event.

Before anyone asks, the only similarity between Ricks Mum and my real life Mum is, that they are both Mum's.

Follow up story

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FYI there will be a follow up story to Ninth Grade Rick Jackson

it will have an original title like, Tenth Grade Rick Jackson. There will be a hiatus between stories as I need to develop a buffer for weekly posting. I am hard pressed to do a chapter every week. With my travel I don't always complete a chapter a week. I started Ninth Grade with a six chapter buffer. I now have no buffer. Finished this weeks chapter around 6:30 a.m. this morning, now have to start next weeks and have ready while I still have to travel to FL work three days and back to MD. I suspect if I don't post that chapter on line, I will be lynched.

Some people puzzle me.

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Some people puzzle me. Some readers worry about things that make sense to me. Like the reader that pointed out I used the word comprehensively when I really meant to say apprehensively. He is absolutely correct and I have corrected and reposted. That is helpful. BTW he sent with his real name.

Then there is the anon one who took issue with me subverting the Robin Hood legend for my own purposes. First of I am writing fiction, second what does LEGEND mean? No one knows, my truth is as correct as his. Besides everyone knows my stories are absolutely true give or take a lie or two.

Books mentioned in my stories.

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Ninth grade, the Rick Jackson saga, was scheduled to be 39 chapters long. There will now be a 40th. I will go back and list the title and author of every book which Rick read. I started keeping good notes on the books around chapter 20. I hope I can figure out what the books were by my clues. I have read everyone mentioned.

To save a little pain, the books on economics other than The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith were not real. The facts are correct, I just used what I remembered from my economics classes.

Some of the extraneous characters met were not famous, but they were real. One of his sparring partners was a golden glove winner in California in the 1950's.

Did you figure out which member of the Dillinger gang lived in Bellefontaine after it was thought he was dead. All the clues are there.

General Patchett invented the machine gun made by Sterling.

I would like to thank one reader, whose name I have lost for Pearl Witherington. She was a real person and her exploits were as written and even more. A real hero.

In one case I did a reader a disservice. He spent a lot of time trying to find Ann from England and David from MIT. If you have checked it you will find that if a restaurant is named in the story then it was real and in business at that location in 1959. Hamburger Hamlet is one of those. Personal friends, Ann and David, from England and MIT actually ate there in 1959 so I placed them in the story.

For those who have noticed continuity issues, such as the British passport from Summer Vacation, thank you, I have been correcting them and reposting as I can.




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