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We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

Aurora: Blog


More Jake White

Posted at

After the excitement of April 1st another chapter of Jake White. Lots of things happening and a couple of 'cliff hangers' left so there will be more.

Jake White

Posted at

This has taken quite a long time, not as long as the second chapter, but long enough. I wasn't happy with it originally but having re-read it recently I decided to finish it. I thought this would be the end but Jake seems to keep coming up with new ideas, I wish I had as many as him then I be a bloody sight rich than I am! He still seems to be a randy little bugger as well!

April the First again

Posted at

I've added a foot note to this story. I can't remember when I had so much fun, and so much interest, or hurt my neck dodging the half bricks coming through the screen!!

The other thing I should do is thank everyone - and there were lots of them, at one point my inbox was filling faster than I could answer - who replied to my query about whether orgasm could be a verb as well as a noun. I think originally it was just a noun, but the consensus is that it is also a verb, and proof was provided. So we can carry on having orgasms and enjoying them!

I shall stick to my normal 'romantic' sort of stuff in future.

No, you're not daft enough to believe that are you?

April the first

Posted at

Well, over the weekend my download count went over 200,000. I don't think this has any particular significance, but how many nubers have? Right now, April the First will be to Late is what could happen to the UK if we leave the EU with no deal. Any facts quoted are just that, facts, not alternative facts and not fake news. Will it be that bad? I hope not, in fact I'm sure it won't, but sure as hell it won't be better than what we already have. Me? I live in West Wales, I've chickens and ducks and enough land to grow veg. As long as the UK has the money to pay my pension HL and myself are okay... but I do worry about the pension.

A New Life

Posted at

Well that's the final chapter. Now, a question. It has been pointed out to me that 'orgasm' is a noun, not a verb as I have been using it, and use it in this story. Languages, particularly English, expand and develop all the time and the idea is to communicate our thoughts and feelings accurately. So, I wondered what other people thought about this. Should we say that we enjoyed an orgasm or that we enjoyed orgasming?



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