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Anne N. Mouse: Blog


The Silence

Posted at

Is deafening.
Okay so I haven't really done anything worthy of anyone's commentary so to speak. I did put up another poem, but I suppose it is just more of the same and not really worthy of anyone's attention... Though it is getting quite a few downloads...
Any way, I don't have much of interest bubbling up out of my sewage treatment system of an imagination so you'll just have to put up with me writing the same old hackery....

Posting frustrations

Posted at

Although each of the things I'm going to note is small, and none of them keep me from posting they do pose somewhat of a frustration to me when I post a story. First: Since the setting for inline comments is set at a default of not allowed I have to remember to find that line in the posting wizard and click it if I want it. I suggest that perhaps the default setting for this should be 'ask' that is if the webmaster can make it so without too much problem.
Second: I write in several series and universes. Again the default is set as if any new story I post will be a separate story, not part of any universe or series. Here again, if it isn't too much trouble I'd suggest that the default setting should be 'ask' as in, you have several universes and series in production, is this story part of one of those universes or series?
Maybe I ought to have not posted this as a blog and instead sent it direct to the webmaster, but then again, maybe others feel the same frustration and just haven't voiced it yet.
All in all though I don't wish the owner/webmaster to think that I'm not highly satisfied with my experience here both as a reader and as an author/publisher.
So Thank You to those who make this site possible!

Those who are sorely missed

Posted at

When you live long enough (and I'm still a spring chicken some have told me) there are those who pass out of your life who you sorely miss. I've mentioned some of the authors we see here such as Wes Boyd before, so I won't concentrate on them again, just know that when we lose someone from our midst we have a gaping hole.

I write this blog because I was listening to this: If you've never heard Paul Harvey then you have truly missed hearing a man who was a master of words. I only wish my writing were half so insightful as what he managed to put together in far fewer words than I every use.

Good Day,


The feedback loop...

Posted at

Earlier today, I read a question by a commentor on another site asking why authors stop writing. Some of the responses were, 'we're being criticized' (to which I thought 'grow a pair, or rhino skin...' whichever suits you!) but another was that they don't get feedback.
Now I won't complain about getting feedback as when I'm posting regularly, I get feedback and plenty of it. Yet at the same time it seems that the number of comments I get versus the number of items posted is rather thin, unless I specifically beg for feedback.
So I'll ask the other authors, do you experience a dearth of feedback if you fail to post on a regular schedule?
To me it appears that I get comments (on some items) the first day they appear, then the comments stop... The downloads slow down a bit, but I have items that regularly receive in the neighborhood of 10-15 hits per week. Since they are short, I can't tell if anyone is reading them unless I (which I do) occasionally get the note that says 'Wow I liked this!' or the equivalent.
Anyway, I'm somewhat interested in the experience of other authors in this regard.
And I gives a rip if someone dislikes my work, or even writes me complaining notes. In fact, so long as they deal with the quality of my writing rather than the subject matter I want that sort of feedback too. I want to improve my ability at this craft. Someday, I'd like to produce something that I think would be good enough to warrant going to Amazon with it. Right now my endings are not satisfactory to me, let alone my audience so far as I can tell.


Posted at

I can't seem to help myself... I take a couple of lazy days off from writing and come back to what I've posted and look at the file and decide to do some tweaking. So A Wait Problem is updated today, I don't know that I got everything that I should have, and I don't know that what I did to it has improved it. Then again, I am not trusting my judgement with regard to my own writing. After all your writing is somewhat like your children, that is that you tend to be apt to overlook flaws in either one due to wishing to launch them both into the future...
Anyway, I know it hasn't been a favorite of anyone's but I thought some might wish to know that I had done some minor changes and posted them.



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