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We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

Anne N. Mouse: Blog


Today's offering

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Another poem (100 words) in Family Fuck. I've written just over a thousand words in the Cocksockett series today, but I want to let them marinate a bit. I'm very dissatisfied with the quality of some of the pieces I've posted.
Of course part of the reason for posting without editing (or marinating) was to force myself to not spend huge amounts of time seeking perfection. And to be honest I don't know that I'm not seeking perfection, I just feel that I produced mediocrity when what I want to produce is excellence. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure that more time isn't the answer either as I've not done a blasted thing in months on It's a Helluva Job or what I've done I've scrapped so many times I ought to have half a million words on the disk!

The editing thing...

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I'm not terribly good at editing, though it is my wont to polish my writing to death... Thus usually my stories, or more like the scenes I write don't ever even leave my head. Part of that is because what I write is rarely ever as compelling once committed to paper as it was in my brain.
I know part of the reason for that is that inside my head all that I imagine is connected to any emotion that I have about the scene, while electrons on a screen lack that connection and I just don't seem to usually make it.
Beyond that, and into editing... I was rereading yesterday's post, and considering how to change it a bit... The polishing thing... mostly I noted that I left a lot hanging when I put this up. Then again, these are about as raw as writing gets. I barely have even proofed them for spelling (provided my spell chequer doesn't mist a word... or Moore) and really haven't reviewed them to make sure I didn't leave dangling bits and pieces all over the place. Which my read showed me... :( Actually, I'm glad I can see what I'm doing wrong in the way of writing. Now maybe if I can get Cal/Denae to leave me alone so I write what the audience would like to see rather than what bubbles up from the swamp... Of course no one would have problems with some of what is going on with Cal if he wasn't a male being forced into a female mode, even if he was toying with that as the story notes.

The feedback loop

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Perhaps posting so many short pieces all together is a bad idea...? IDK, I'm getting a few notes and some commentary at the end of the pieces. Most of the commentary is as I expected, I.E. the pieces are short and not complete stories. I intend them to be short. What I'm not happy with is that they are not really complete stories, but more like slices of life. Still and all I'm pleased to have gotten 4 votes on the latest piece I put up, 3 of which were 7. That means I must be doing something right, am I not correct?
I think that is the one thing that frustrates me the most, that is getting feedback. Which is why I took time to publicly thank (though I sent then notes too) the person who took time to write me some nice poems in response to the poetry I've posted.
As always, if you are reading my stories, your feedback is craved. Sort of like a junkie needs their next fix!!!


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I've always heard the definition of a flash story as being less than 600 words, but when I looked on the net there didn't seem to be a consensus other than anything over 1500 words couldn't be considered a flash, and that 1500 words seemed to be considered an ultra short story, but not really a flash.
Why am I writing this?
It seems that I may have the next piece to go up at least hammered out. I'll go and take a nap, then reread it rather than posting it raw like some of the other pieces I've posted recently have been done. The thing is that right now it is weighing in at just short of 900 words. Which sort of pushes the envelope for what I've been trying to do, which is write short hard hitting pieces that if not complete stories are exercises leading to me learning the elements of story telling.
It is just your misfortune that Cal/Denae is rambling around the area that I call a brain lately... :P~

Tightly connected

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No, not like that, ya dirty minded yutz!
You may have noticed, that even though the blurb for Cocksockett says the stories are not in any particular order that the last few are pretty much actually one arc, spread over several parts. As I told someone I really am trying to learn something here (besides up my productivity) which will hopefully show in the ink I'm slinging from my metaphorical pen...



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