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Anne N. Mouse: Blog



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I picked up a job application today, or rather read the job description for one and self-disqualified. Then again, I'm slow, stupid and a lousy employee apparently.
That may seem over the top, yet I can't seem to keep work, not even stupid stupid stuff that ought to be dead easy. Too slow. Then most employers just don't accept the words, 'if I go any faster there will be an accident.' No, NO! But when there is an accident? 'You weren't paying attention.'
I don't think it was me not paying attention. I issued the warning. I was pushed, go faster or lose the job. Lost anyway... too much broken shit..
So too slow... Too old. NOT Qualified. Don't have that license, certificate, etc.
As far as writing... Again, too slow, too few readers... Not writing what the audience wants apparently. Who would pay me a dollar a month to read my paltry output?
Then too I worry about cyber stalkers. Seriously, some of the fan mail I got from a couple of my stories was disturbing!

New reading....

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I'm reading a newly started story: this story by rlfj and Robber Baron is a neat little romp so far, but then with rlfj as one of the authors, I expect nothing less than excellence in the writing. But a good story is more than just technical expertise, and there again rlfj is a master storyteller. I guess that what I'm saying is give the story a read, as even just what is posted now is well worth your time!

What am I working on?

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First, I still occasionally pull up Helluva and poke at it to see if I can find a way to make an end to the mess I created there. No promises, but it has grown a prologue, which I'll have to contact the website about posting, when I'm ready...
Next, the ugly story. Yes Cal/Denae has a hold of my imagination, so there will probably be some more flash stories in that series.
Beyond that?
Outpost!: I have at least one more episode of Outpost! started. Again no promises, but maybe I'll get it finished and posted.
I've also started (with Zen Master giving me advice) a story on the origins of the CSO in the Swarm cycle Universe.
I also started a story I've titled The Gordian Knot in that universe... Sorry, no dogs in this one, just good old-fashioned incest.
Any other dog stories?
One I occasionally pull out is a companion to On Dog Creek. It is mostly told from the perspective of the E-Dog that is in the story.
Bitch In Time stories are part of something larger that I am trying to flesh out enough to go commercial with. No doubt if I concentrated on it that would help!
I have another that gives back story in that universe, but it isn't much more than sketches for a lost patrol that I'm calling Three Dog Night.
I think that is most everything, except maybe something will hit in a flash that better fits the Family Fuck poems...

Did you vote?

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Or rather did you rate the last story you read? I admit I've failed to rate a few that I've read recently, but I try to do so.
Next question: When is the last time you sent a note to your favorite author telling them how much you appreciated their work? I am fairly good at doing this, though I unfortunately sent some to dead authors... :(
Which has me considering how to start a sort of memorial wall, I don't know how Laz would maintain such a thing but I'd like to see an ongoing project to make sure we do know when one of our compatriots (for those of us who write) has passed beyond the veil.
Well it seems that the only productive writing I'm doing is here and baiting various people on certain comment boards...
Ah well, just wish I could get paid for either!

The Gate Keepers

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I'm not a terribly productive writer. Indeed there are weeks when something like the two flash stories that I posted recently are all I get out for the whole week. Worse there have been months when I produced less than what is in those two pieces. So in my life I discover the first gatekeeper is myself.
That might seem counter intuitive but really it is true that the first obstacles we have to overcome are those that we place on ourselves. So what else could stand in my way?
Regulation. I have several stories started that feature people that would be under the age that is allowed to be in a fictional sex setting.
But we must protect the children, is the cry that fueled those rules. But do those laws really do that?
Maybe, but if I were trying to make a living at this it certainly would constrain me from going to the press with those stories (and like Aroslav pointed out such rules can keep you from having your work available. Sometimes you can't even find out the 'rule' that you have violated. You are just told that you have vaguely violated a rule...)to the point that I can't give them away here and frankly I'm frightened to give them away at
Why would I be frightened to give my work away? Because like some people have stated, they fear that ASSTR has become a 'honey pot', by which I suppose they mean that they believe that it is being kept in place by govt regulators (gatekeepers) who are just waiting for you to post obscenity there.
But that is not the only area in my life that gatekeepers have made difficult. I hoped to make my living as a proofreader, yet for some reason there seems to be either a formal or informal rule in place that you must have a PHD to do that work. A PHD to proofread? Other than a math or science text where I had to actually check the accuracy of the equations or the accuracy of the research, I can see absolutely no reason that such a requirement should be in place. Literally it seems to me that people who have higher degrees have gotten into places where they are protecting their almamater and providing 'work' for their fellow certificate holders.
I'm fairly sure that for even the most technical work there ought to be a few people who get on the team to say, hey you've gone over everyone's head....
I actually have been looking into the possibility of getting a commercial driver's license, but for various reasons (some of my own making I admit) I've not done that yet...
But it is hard to wonder if I'll end up homeless because I can't find work. Hard to keep away from the superblues, to not look over at that bottle of vicoden and say, there is a cure for my pain, a permanent cure, after all everyone thinks I'm useless and worthless...



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