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Tedbiker: Stories


Most of what I write is inspired by places, though with a little artistic licence with the geography sometimes. The people, however, are fiction, so if you think you can identify someone you're wrong. Of course there are personality quirks that can be seen anywhere!

I love to hear of your response to my stories where they've brought back a memory or struck a chord in some way.

Displaying stories 141 through 150 of 150

141 Use It or Lose It

Geoff Brown's long-term partner walks away, leaving him depressed and demoralised. His boss sends him to the doctor, telling him not to come back to work without the doctor's approval. The doctor's response is to sign him off work with a list of instructions, concluding 'Use it, or lose it." / (Reviews)
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Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual, Romantic, Heterosexual, Fiction, Slow
Downloads: 22572 | Votes: 998 | Score: 7.43
Size: 64KB | 12,193 words | Posted: Concluded:

142 Veenalara

A Story in the Dizyntk Imperium Universe
I've long wished to add to the story told in 'Wolf and the Cat' in Brian in the Dark's Dizyntk Imperium Universe, and the incomplete 'Growing Dizyntk'. I hope I've stayed true to the spirit of the Universe. Here's my offering.
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Sex Contents: Minimal Sex | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual, Heterosexual, Fiction, Science Fiction, Aliens, Extra Sensory Perception
Downloads: 2455 | Votes: 124 | Score: 7.54
Size: 31KB | 5,717 words | Posted:

143 Verity

A Devastation Diary Story (13)
The Chairman of the East of England Committee has to travel to the Training Centre to see his ex-wife. On the way he encounters another young woman who needs help, but it's not what you might expect.
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Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Fiction
Tags: Ma/Fa, Ma/ft, Consensual, Heterosexual, Post Apocalypse, Harem, Oral Sex
Downloads: 6602 | Votes: 306 | Score: 7.38
Size: 90KB | 17,301 words | Posted:

144 Verity's Choice

A Devastation Diary Story (15)
John Turnhouse has a number of things on his mind -a 'topless cafe', committee meetings, babies - but then Verity (his newest acquisition, see Verity) says she wants a baby too.
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Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Fiction
Tags: Ma/Fa, Ma/ft, Consensual, Heterosexual, Fiction, Post Apocalypse, Harem, Polygamy/Polyamory, White Male, White Female, Oriental Female, First, Lactation, Oral Sex, Pregnancy
Downloads: 1873 | Votes: 102 | Score: 6.88
Size: 32KB | 6,273 words | Posted:

145 Viviane

A Kat Magic Story (4)
In which Kat and Harry meet an Immortal and experience a radical change in their lives!
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Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual, Heterosexual, Fiction, Paranormal, Pregnancy, Transformation
Downloads: 8572 | Votes: 577 | Score: 7.67
Size: 27KB | 5,167 words | Posted:

146 What Do You Do?

What do you do when your partner can't have intercourse with you any more? Bill's wife Susan has her own solution to their problem; how does he handle it? A motorbike, a 2CV and three lovely women.
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Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual, Romantic, Reluctant, Heterosexual, Tear Jerker, Paranormal, First, Slow
Downloads: 16572 | Votes: 814 | Score: 7.73
Size: 131KB | 24,585 words | Posted: Concluded:

147 Wild Geese

A Dulcie Story (10)
He's a burn-out, and goes to live in a boat. Will he follow the wild geese, or will he find the peace he lost? Dulcie is a secondary character in this one, but an important one. / (Reviews)
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Minimal Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual, Heterosexual, Fiction, First, Slow
Downloads: 25466 | Votes: 757 | Score: 7.97
Size: 205KB | 39,129 words | Posted: Concluded:

148 Yelka

A Delilah Story (7)
Yelena Smallbridge has grown up. Unlike her twin sister, she's looking outwards from her adopted family.
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Sex Contents: Minimal Sex | Genre: Action/Adventure
Tags: Ma/Fa, Ma/ft, Consensual, Heterosexual, Military, Spanking
Downloads: 20878 | Votes: 318 | Score: 7.96
Size: 242KB | 46,000 words | Posted: Concluded:

149 Zoe

A Zoe Story (1)
A shivering, under dressed teenager on a service area exit road; a travelling sales-rep (with a background he couldn't discuss) who didn't realise he was lonely.(This was going to be 'The Hitch-hiker', but she wasn't really hitching... until...)
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Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/ft, Consensual, Romantic, Heterosexual, Slow
Downloads: 39660 | Votes: 2161 | Score: 7.91
Size: 104KB | 19,547 words | Posted: Concluded:

150 Zoe and Alex

A Zoe Story (2)
Continuing Zoe's story after her marriage to Alex, and telling of their involvement in breaking a sex-trafficking ring; with a little help from their friends. This story parallels 'Pippa', a 'Serendipity' story. There are references to rape, but these are off-stage
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Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Action/Adventure
Tags: Ma/Fa, Ma/ft, Consensual, Heterosexual, Fiction
Downloads: 12524 | Votes: 666 | Score: 7.72
Size: 37KB | 7,111 words | Posted: Concluded:
* Not enough votes to show score yet
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