I was on a walking holiday, getting away from all the relatives congratulating me on getting hopeless A Levels. My life was over. then I met the four girls at Llangruntyg
I'm not a warrior, I'm a survivor. Still, I've been lucky; I know that. This is the mostly honest account of how I came good; there is little point in leaving bits out, people just invent them anyway.
Anybody who knows the Gary Puckett song Young Girl will know what it's about. It has received a tough press more recently as PC commentators read the wrong message in it. This story is meant to try and redress the balance.
A probe, sent out to explore the local planets around this sun, wakes up long after it has left the sun behind. This is its story. Just a short story I came up with a few months ago. I still like it, so I thought I'd share.