The Duke's second daughter is proud, wilful and difficult - not unlike the Duke. So rescuing her from the invading army was always going to be trouble, but then he could hardly leave her; the Earl's army would happily have added her to all the other women that they would misuse abominably.
An attempt at presenting Joseph's story. Joseph was a working man, a carpenter. An attempt to bring the story into more realistic tones than the myth-making carols we have.
Working as a missionary with a nearly untouched tribe, she didn't want to undermine their culture. But as an unmarried woman, she was expected to join the 4 yearly marriage ceremony, and that posed a problem.
Wikipedia: "A pheromone is a secreted or excreted chemical factor that triggers a social response in members of the same species. Pheromones are chemicals capable of acting like hormones outside the body of the secreting individual, to affect the behavior of the receiving individuals." Get that right for humans and the world is your oyster... we did.
A Holiday Stories Story (5) Clive had signed up to work in the USA in a Summer Camp; trouble was his application had managed to switch his name from 'Clive' to 'Olive' and he was allocated to a girls only camp. The camp leader was not going to allow that, until.
I was on a walking holiday, getting away from all the relatives congratulating me on getting hopeless A Levels. My life was over. then I met the four girls at Llangruntyg
I'm not a warrior, I'm a survivor. Still, I've been lucky; I know that. This is the mostly honest account of how I came good; there is little point in leaving bits out, people just invent them anyway.
Anybody who knows the Gary Puckett song Young Girl will know what it's about. It has received a tough press more recently as PC commentators read the wrong message in it. This story is meant to try and redress the balance.