The trip sounded like a real opportunity to revisit the fun in Norfolk. Then Mary and Amelie's parents announced that they were invited too. Still, a wedding in Ireland was bound to be fun wasn't it?
The four: Abigail, Mary, Amelie and Rupert all offer to help on a Guide outward bound trip. Fifteen eleven to fourteen year olds learning to sail, rock climb and walk in the rugged hills. Rupert only came in at the last minute, he'd have to share. But who with?
The Green Guard are the elite of soldiers of the kingdom. They have a fierce code of honour that none may undermine, even accidentally. Societies have to change in upheavals like war, and even disgraced Green Guards may get a second chance.
The Duke's second daughter is proud, wilful and difficult - not unlike the Duke. So rescuing her from the invading army was always going to be trouble, but then he could hardly leave her; the Earl's army would happily have added her to all the other women that they would misuse abominably.
Colin became an orphan, and it turned out a very lucky one. He could have gone to some awful orphanage but instead the Cavendishes took him. "There is a tide in the affairs of men. Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;" and perhaps that was a lesson he learned.
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An attempt at presenting Joseph's story. Joseph was a working man, a carpenter. An attempt to bring the story into more realistic tones than the myth-making carols we have.
Working as a missionary with a nearly untouched tribe, she didn't want to undermine their culture. But as an unmarried woman, she was expected to join the 4 yearly marriage ceremony, and that posed a problem.