Laura's Story: an Interracial Lesbian Romance - Cover

Laura's Story: an Interracial Lesbian Romance

Copyright© 2002 by Miranda Mars

Chapter 292

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 292 - A Story about a white woman who has a special desire for relationships with beautiful African-American women, including a few teenagers

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   True Story   Cheating   BDSM   DomSub   Spanking   Rough   Light Bond   Humiliation   Group Sex   Interracial   Black Female   White Female   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Fisting   Sex Toys   Lactation  

Laura spent the day pressing her thighs together surreptitiously on her tingling pussy, remembering last night and anticipating tonight. And yet Ada had to beg off. Around noon she called and said a client had come into town who needed her attention. She still hoped they could meet once more before Louise's return.

Disconsolate, Laura realized that this was all it would take to make her start thinking sad or troubled thoughts about Makeeda again. She needed the distraction that Ada provided in order to keep those thoughts at bay. At one point, taking a brief break and walking around for exercise, she drifted by Shaniqua's cubicle, hoping at least to pick up some faint vibrations that would get her mind off Makeeda. To her surprise, she found an attractive woman sitting in Shaniqua's chair, talking on the phone.

Laura lingered. The woman smiled at her, still talking on the phone. As it continued, Laura realized that the smile was more than a merely friendly smile. It had a kind of disguised sexual heat behind it that Laura was very sensitive to, that she could spot immediately, that she was never mistaken about.

"You must be Laura," the woman finally said, hanging up the phone.

"That's right," Laura smiled back. "You aren't Shaniqua, though. I know Shaniqua."

"I know you do. She told me all about you."

All? Laura wondered. She and Shaniqua had fucked like fucking was going out of style during Shaniqua's visit to San Francisco. It had taken Laura a little effort to get her into bed, but once there Shaniqua had displayed an enthusiasm for girl-girl sex that bordered on the obsessive. Being beautiful to boot, she had found a willing accomplice in Laura.

Laura could not help flirting. This woman, though completely different from Shaniqua in looks as well as manner, was very appealing, and the mysterious sexual undercurrent in her smile that Laura had first noticed did not disappear.

"I hope it was all good," she said.

The woman let her eyelids droop suggestively. "It was all... spectacular," she said softly, looking Laura straight in the eye. She swung her chair around and pointed to the other chair in the cubicle. "Want to sit down?"

"Oh... I really don't have time," Laura stammered nervously. "I was just walking around to stretch my legs."

"Oh sit down. You can take a minute. I'm Marie Welles, Shaniqua's roommate. She asked me to check her messages while she was gone."

She pulled the chair out for Laura, who could now hardly refuse to sit in it, at least for a few minutes. Shaniqua might be beautiful, but Marie had a sexual magnetism that was very blatant and hard to resist. She appeared to be about thirty, with a very full figure, large jutting breasts certainly as big as Ada's thrilling globes, a very slender waist, and from what Laura could see, since Marie was still sitting down, swelling hips and a big bottom. At this very moment Marie stood up briefly to clear some binders out of the way of Laura's chair, and Laura saw her very big and very shapely ass.

As a rule, Laura was not wild about huge posteriors, being instead wholly enchanted by tight bubble butts like Jane's and Chanitra's and Dee Dee's. And yet there was no way she could ignore the magnificence of this woman's large ass. It was proof that a large bottom could also be beguilingly shapely and curved and luscious, and Laura realized that she was having a hard time keeping herself from reaching out with one hand to caress it. But this was an office, after all, and she managed to keep iron control over her impulses.

As if to cover this feverish impulse, she was excessively polite. "How long have you two been rooming together?" she asked. "I don't remember Shaniqua mentioning you."

Marie gave her a significant look. "You know, that's an interesting question. I had been trying to... shall we say 'get friendlier' with her? Long before she took that vacation to San Francisco. When she came back, we just... sort of... clicked. Know what I mean? She was looking for a place anyway, and she moved in with me a few weeks later." Again Marie's dark eyes seemed to pierce Laura to the quick. "I guess I have you to thank for that, Laura."

Marie's eyes had a way of burning into yours. Laura found herself squirming. Their conversation was so obviously sexual, even though on the surface it did not appear that way, that she found herself even breathing more rapidly. She didn't know exactly how to answer this remark and so changed the subject.

"You work here too, I take it?"

Marie nodded. "Customer care. Shaniqua used to work there. That's where we met."

"So now you're taking good 'care' of her, right?" Laura make a lame joke.

Marie smiled indulgently. It was so dorky, Laura thought, blushing a little, that both of them suddenly grew uncomfortable. On top of that, there was a really anxious pause, as if neither knew how to continue, though there was obviously something to be said.

"If you're just hanging out in your hotel room," Marie finally resumed, "maybe you'd like to drop by for dinner later. After all, I'm alone too until she gets back."

It could not have been a more blatant invitation, and Marie's eyes burned into Laura's again as she said it. Laura swallowed, staring back. It was not simply healthy, straightforward, exuberant, wholesome screwing of the sort she had had with Shaniqua that Laura was being offered. And yet this woman lived with the darling and very wholesome girl. Could it be that there was a secret Marie, one she did not easily divulge to her regular lover but which she was quite ready to reveal to Laura, a stranger, in a way, and yet a stranger who had slept with Shaniqua?

It was very intriguing to Laura, as well as shockingly erotic. She could barely keep from squirming still more. "I... I think that would be nice," she said, swallowing again, smiling to cover her sexual excitement.

Marie gave her a bemused half-smile in return, one that said: I can see you know what kind of dinner I have in mind, Laura dear. I hope you're ready for some flames, because I'm doing everything I can to keep them in check at the moment.

"Fine," she said, standing up with Laura, as Laura prepared to leave. "Did you rent a car?"

Laura shook her head. "I can walk to the hotel. I decided not to."

"You can ride with me, and I'll bring you back later. Meet you at five-thirty? In the lobby?"

Before driving to her apartment, Marie offered to stop by Laura's hotel so that she could change, but Laura was too sexually aflutter and nervous to accept. When they got there, Marie herself said she hoped Laura wouldn't mind if she herself changed. Laura said of course not and waited in the living room until Marie reappeared in tight white jeans and a loose lavender top that draped suggestively around her firm, jutting breasts, which would have been her finest feature were it not for her large and magnificently shaped ass. Laura had a hard time not looking at it too much.

She was actually quite pretty, too. Her face somehow reminded Laura of the twins, Rina and Trina, which of course, given her feelings about them, was an incentive to instant lust. It was animated and friendly, with thick sensual lips and beautifully smooth dark brown skin, and big dark brown eyes that were insistent and wide and somehow burning within from some kind of emotional and sexual hunger ambiguously swirled together into a potent mix of thrilling invitation. They fixed Laura's own eyes with a hot, naked familiarity that made Laura wonder what in detail Shaniqua might have told Marie about their encounter. She tried to remember it in detail herself to recall whether there was anything that should embarrass her, and yet all she could remember was that they had had exuberant, athletic, but perfectly normal sex.

"It's okay, you can look," Marie cracked with a sidelong glance at Laura. She let her eyes drift down, over her shoulder, to her own ass, so beguiling in her very tight pants, to let Laura know what she was talking about. "If you got it, flaunt it. Right?"

Laura was so embarrassed to have been caught looking that she blushed hotly. "Right," she gulped. "You got it."

"Thank you," Marie said politely, with a twinkle in her eye. "You hungry? I can cook right now or we can wait."

This was a rather disingenuous question, Laura realized, for Marie certainly knew what she was hungry for, and it wasn't dinner. Marie fixed them each a vodka tonic and they sat in the apartment's small living room, talking and letting their eyes burn into each other, both wondering how long it would take for the undercurrent of sexual desire to erupt above their polite civility. The vodka would help that, Laura knew.

In under twenty minutes, Marie had fallen into a revealing candor that made imminent physical intimacies almost inevitable. Laura could do nothing but listen with rapt attention.

"I was adopted and raised by white people. That's why even Shaniqua finds me a little odd. I'd be more comfortable at a Vivaldi concert than a hip hop one. I like to go to museums. I read Jane Austen." She made a mordant, satirical face. "I'm more comfortable in the company of white people, I guess, even though I'm very proud of my African heritage."

Laura nodded, afraid to interrupt. Jane Austen? Really? Maybe I should try Jane again, she thought.

"Anyway," Marie went on, "I was married for about six years to this white guy. Can you believe that? Six years? Anyway, after a while it degenerated into this domination thing. He got a big charge out of dominating me, and I guess I reciprocated. I mean, I played my part. He got us into these swinging scenes where we would do it with other white couples. And he ended up getting a big charge out of watching them-both the men and the women-put me over their knees and spank my big black ass." She grinned at Laura, who she knew had been admiring that same item a few minutes earlier.

"Sounds a little... sick?" Laura interjected, more to be participating than anything else since she was getting a little titillation herself from this confession.

Marie nodded. "A little," she agreed. "But it turned out that I got a big charge out of it too. Especially when the white women were doing it."

Laura blushed. She didn't want to but couldn't help it. Marie saw her blush and tried to put her at ease. She smiled warmly.

"Would you rather I didn't talk about it?"

"Oh, no." Laura shook her head. "Please go on."

"Shaniqua doesn't know any of this. I would never tell her. I don't know exactly why. I just feel I can trust you. It helps, I guess, to tell somebody."

"I'm glad you feel that way about me."

"So... after my divorce, which happened about three years ago, I began to lean more toward the lesbian side, mostly with white women, but a few black women too. With the white women I kept wanting to be dominated. I didn't tell them... I just kept feeling it. Don't know why. When I got involved with Shaniqua, I thought maybe it was gone. But when I saw you..."

Laura swallowed and did not dare to speak for a few seconds.

"She's very sweet," she said to Marie. "She probably wouldn't understand."

Marie nodded. "She's a little naïve. For a while she was so involved in this space alien thing that I thought I might have to get help for her. But then she bounced out of it into Magic cards and competitions, which is her compulsion now. You're right, though. She's sweet. Not a mean body in her wonderful body."

"Maybe it's best you don't... tell her."

Marie nodded. "It's very politically incorrect, I know," she said. "Almost embarrassing to admit. I mean, it should be the other way around, right? Don't people hire black women to be their dominatrix? That's what I've read, anyway."

Laura nodded, uncomfortably. It seemed quite clear that she was being invited to be the 'white woman' who would 'dominate' Marie.

"Have you ever thought of... I don't know... getting help? Talking it over with, say, a professional?"

"I thought of it," Marie half-nodded, her dark eyes still burning into Laura's. "But it seems like a harmless little desire. Not serious. I can handle it. But I sure would like to do it."

This veiled request aroused all sorts of troubling feelings in Laura. For one thing, the sexual atmosphere had become electric while they were talking of it. Or rather, while Marie was talking of it, since Laura remained almost silent, nodding and biting her lip and trying to control her blushes. For another, she didn't know in detail what Marie was suggesting-just a little hot spanking of that marvelous bottom? more?-but if it involved what she suspected it did, she had renounced that pretty thoroughly when putting Karen and Earlene behind her and was reluctant to resurrect it and all the twisted, exciting feelings that went with it.

Perhaps Marie intuited her ambivalence, for she scrutinized Laura's face and finally asked, "How do you feel about all that?"

Putting Laura on the spot. Laura chewed her lower lip even more and twisted her fingers. "I guess... there's nothing wrong with it... if you get a kick out of it. Who's hurt by it?"

Marie's eyes glimmered with humor. "Me, I guess. I mean, that's the point."

Uh oh, Laura thought. I'm getting in deeper than I want to. Nevertheless, she was unable or unwilling to draw back. She looked directly, deeply, into Marie's big brown eyes. "Okay..." Cutting to the chase. "What exactly did you have in mind?"

Marie gave her a sexy smirk and stood up from her chair, beckoning Laura with her head. "Come on, let me show you something."

Laura stood and followed her into one of the back bedrooms, both dimly lit with curtains drawn, but this one looking lived in, slept in, the other neat as a pin, clearly Shaniqua's, who was currently out of town. Laura's eyes lingered on the half-made queen size bed, where she knew they would soon be doing something together, whether it was 'domination' or not. Marie went to the closet and took down a box from the overhead shelf. She brought it to the bed and turned it upside down.

God, everybody has their secrets, don't they, Laura thought. Just like me. Out of the box fell several coils of rope, in many colors; synthetic fiber rope, one coil red, another dark blue, another white, another yellow. Color coded rope, Laura smiled. There was also a ball gag with a one-strap harness, and a shiny black strap-on dildo of just average size. There were no whips, clamps, handcuffs, or any other alarming devices. Laura began to breathe easier, though there was still a strong impulse in her to draw Marie aside and say, Look, why don't we just forget all this crap and get naked together on this bed? I'm sure we can both find ways to please each other without the rougher stuff.

Instead of saying it, she acted The Innocent. "So... what do you do with all these things?"

"You're kidding," Marie said, deadpan.

Laura grinned. "Maybe a little. I guess I mean... what do you like? What gives you that charge you were talking about?"

Marie smiled and picked up the coil of red rope. "Want me to tell you in detail?" Clearly she thought it was cute of Laura to be so embarrassed over this. "Spell it out?"

Laura nodded nervously.

Marie's smile turned warmer, more friendly and more intimate in the same instant, as if she could appreciate Laura's discomfort but knew it also masked an intense fascination and arousal. "I'll tell you the sequence I fantasize about all the time. How's that?"

Laura nodded.

Marie uncoiled the red rope she was holding and playfully looped it loosely around one of her jutting breasts. The rope slipped easily away since her top and her bra kept it from surrounding her breast. She grinned at Laura.

"Breast bondage. Just tie them up a little. Not too tight. Actually, I've only done it myself so I don't know how I'd feel if someone else..." she looked deliberately at Laura, "were to do it to me. Tie them up. Pinch and slap them a little. Not real horrible pain. Just pinch and slap a little. Be mean."

"Anything else?" Laura inquired, almost scientifically. "Lick? Kiss?"

Marie grinned again. "Of course. But be mean." She glared significantly at Laura.

The message was: Playing and kissing is okay, but I need to be subjugated and roughed up to get the maximum pleasure out of this, understand? Laura did understand and again was a little uneasy.

"Next..." Marie continued, dropping the red rope on the bed and picking up the yellow one, "hogtied. Spanked hard." She picked up the strap-on dildo, which was thick and coal black and shiny. "Raped in the pussy, then fucked hard in the ass. Be mean," she said again, her breath growing quicker as she riveted Laura with her eyes. "Use the 'N' word. Call me degrading names. Be as mean as you can."

Laura realized she was also breathing more heavily too, and she could feel her pussy moistening during this conversation. "Does all this... make you come?" she asked bluntly. She felt like she probably knew the answer, having come unbelievably in similar circumstances.

A half-grin tugged at the corner's of Marie's sensual mouth. "I don't know," she confessed softly. "Nobody's ever done it to me yet. But I've done a little of it by myself... when I'm alone... and twice I came so hard it took me almost half an hour to recover."

This kind of conversation made Laura absolutely hot, and she could see it was having the same effect on Marie. Laura didn't know how much more of this exciting, agonizing delay they could take. She smiled at Marie.

"Can I kiss you before we begin?" she said, again bluntly. "I like to kiss. You have an enchanting mouth."

Marie actually gave a tiny, nearly inaudible gasp, as if she had not thought Laura would accept the invitation. Then she smiled demurely, like a fresh young maiden, so different from the woman who had just been describing how she liked to be tied up and roughed up. Laura's compliment coupled with her willingness took Marie by surprise.

"Thank you," she said softly. "Kissing is for afterward. I want you to... slap me instead."

"Are you sure?"

Marie slowly nodded, her dark eyes now pulsing with hot sex as she knew that Laura was giving in, that it was about to happen. "I'm sure."

Laura's hand flashed out before either of them expected it. In a bold, disturbing move that startled and electrified both of them, she gave Marie a quick, stinging slap across the cheek with the flat of one palm. It was such a hard slap that Marie's head swiveled briefly to one side. When she turned it back, Laura could see the water that had sprung up in her eyes.

Laura was frightened at having initiated all this too quickly. We didn't even come up with a safe word or anything like that, she thought. What am I doing hitting this lovely girl? I want to just take her to bed and fuck her. I don't want to hit her.

But Marie was smiling through the glimmering tears. "Yes," she said, panting roughly.

"Take off your clothes... bitch," Laura said, a little tentatively. "I'm going to tie you up and teach you a lesson."

Marie could sense her hesitation, despite the slap. "Are you really?" she snapped, almost testily.

Laura realized that this was part of the charade. She felt her back stiffening. "You want me to slap you again? To prove it?"

Marie didn't answer but grabbed her loose lavender top at the bottom with the fingers of both hands and lifted it slowly up over her head, making an effort not to muss her hair, which Laura thought was a charming touch since they were in minutes going to be undertaking a sharp and unpredictable sexual struggle that would leave both of them, or at least Marie, disheveled and helpless. Marie tossed the top across the room onto the floor. Under it she was wearing a simple white bra, which encased the large gourds of her thrilling breasts. They were about the same size as Ada's, which was to say, big.

Laura had no special love for large breasts, but having spent the past night burying her face in Ada's bountiful mounds and feasting on her shiny black bulbous nipples, she found herself wanting to push her mouth into the deep cleavage she suddenly was staring at. Marie's upper body had not an ounce of fat on it but was still very full and voluptuous, and her breasts thrust out proudly. She was clearly proud of them, too, and smirked at Laura's stares. Without speaking, she reached behind her with both hands and unfastened the clasp.

"Wow... I'll bet Shaniqua loves those," Laura said under her breath as she watched Marie's bra slide down her arms and into her hands, which discarded it in the same direction as the lavender top.

Her full dark breasts jiggled only slightly as she flung it. They were indeed shaped like gourds and reminded Laura a little of the incredible breasts of Bernice, Cecilia's friend, except that unlike Bernice's, and Ada's, Marie's nipples were not coal black but instead dark umber/caramel in hue. They were also not puffy like Ada's but had wide, flat areolas and springy thick centers that Laura longed to touch with the tip of her tongue.

Marie grinned, watching Laura's eyes lovingly devour her naked breasts. "She... enjoys them," she murmured. She reached down to the bed and grabbed the coil of red rope, holding it up to Laura, her dark eyes throbbing with meaningful insistence.

Laura, having briefly forgotten her role in the rapt contemplation of Marie's gorgeous naked breasts, snapped back into her function. "Take it all off," she demanded, indicating Marie's pants. "Everything."

Again, smirking, Marie dropped the rope on the bed and unzipped her tight white jeans. She inched them down her thighs, watching Laura's eyes. The pulse was beating in Laura's throat. She watched the hard brown flesh of Marie's thighs slowly come into view, then felt her pulse accelerate even more as Marie turned to display more of her ass as the pants slid down below it. She was wearing a pale blue thong, which left nothing to Laura's imagination.

Marie's ass was a magnificent sight, enough to make Laura's blood pound. It was curvaceous and round and fleshy but also firm and opulent, a gorgeous swelling feast of dark brown globes that made Laura itch to touch it, to kiss it, to bite and suck it. This was exactly what Marie wanted her to do, and she tantalized Laura while removing the thong, gyrating her fantastic ass in slow, circular motions as she peeled the gauzy cloth away, watching Laura's eyes. Laura realized that something complicated was going on here, since she had been offered the job of dominatrix and yet she was being seduced into it very cleverly by Marie's subtle striptease.

Finally, Marie stepped out of the thong too and was completely naked. She turned to Laura, her hands on her hips, looking wildly desirable. Again Laura simply wanted to drag her down on the bed and fuck her brains loose, forgetting entirely about the 'domination' game. Marie could see it in her eyes and, to forestall it, reached down for the red rope again, which she handed to Laura.

"I'll feel silly doing this if I'm dressed," Laura swallowed nervously.

Marie smirked again. The way her eyes were throbbing and pulsing was a deep turn-on for Laura. "Want to get down to your underwear? I think that'll make it even hotter for me. You're not exactly... shall we say... homely? You look like a super model. In fact, I could even think of the one you look like, if you give me a minute."

"We... haven't got a minute," Laura panted softly, hurriedly shedding her outer garments, leaving on only her bra and panties.

Marie was right. Laura in only her underwear made it hotter than ever, for both of them. As if by clairvoyance, knowing this was going to happen, she had worn black lace panties and a bra to match. Marie's eyes widened when she saw them, and feeling her eyes on her body made a stab of hot sexual electricity zing through Laura's flesh.

She reached out and took the coils of red rope from Marie's extended hand. She put the two ends together in order to find the halfway spot, so that each end would be of equal length, then looped a loose coil around one of Marie's large, jutting breasts. Marie nearly flinched at this, probably, Laura reasoned, because she knew it was actually going to happen, and now. This loop did not fall away, as the earlier one had, since Laura tightened it just enough to stay, and it was easily held in place by the taut round globe of Marie's breast. Then she looped another coil on top of it.

"You want more than two?" she looked into Marie's eyes.

"Make it three," Marie said softly, already panting.

"We don't make them too tight," Laura said, as she proceeded, "because we don't want to cut off the circulation, which makes these beautiful boobs numb and takes the fun away."

"You've done this before," Marie said, again softly, her words broken a little by her panting. "I knew it. I could tell."

"God, I hope not," Laura grinned. "I hope you don't mean I look like a sexual sadist in my work clothes."

Marie shook her head. "I didn't mean that. It was some deep... intuition I had."

Laura knotted the rope, leaving enough to attach it to the coils she would now loop around Marie's other breast, using the other half of the rope she had measured out at first.

"If you're that intuitive," she half-teased, "you would have seen that I really didn't want to get into this again. Ever."

Marie nodded. "I did see it. I just thought I could talk you into it."

"Speaking of talking," Laura said, lifting up the other end of the red rope, "I think we ought to come up with a safe word. You know, if you say the word, I stop? So we don't go too far?"

Marie shook her head. She reached down to the mattress and picked up the ball gag, dangling it in Laura's face. The bright shiny yellow ball that went in your mouth looked especially obscene and menacing somehow.

"I want you to go too far. I trust you. I know you don't want to hurt me. I want you to hurt me just a little more than you're willing to. You'll be able to tell. When it's right, I mean." She looked straight and deep into Laura's eyes. "I trust you. You'll know."

Laura looked grim. "I'm glad to know you have so much confidence and trust in me," she said, also softly. "I wish I trusted myself as much as you do."

"I trust you," Marie repeated.

Laura began to wrap the coils around Marie's other beautiful naked breast. When she was finished, she linked the knots from both sides in the center. The remaining rope hung in two strands down from the underside of Marie's entrapped and now slightly swollen breasts. Her areolas were shiny and taut. The thick center stubs of her nipples stood up longer than ever. She and Laura looked at Marie's breasts, fascinated.

"Do they hurt?" Laura murmured.

Marie shook her head slowly. "They feel wonderful. They feel ready."

Here, Laura realized, came the hard part. She enjoyed the tying. She would probably not enjoy the hurting, and if she did a little, she would hate herself for enjoying it. Still, Marie's two imprisoned globes were about as beautiful as anything ever got, all round and swollen and shiny, the skin taut, Marie's nipples bursting and hard. Laura raised her hands to them and cupped them, feeling Marie's jutting nipples push into her palms, then squeezed each taut globe, not roughly, but then, when Marie panted a little, harder.

"You have such beautiful breasts," she murmured to Marie. "It's such a pity I have to... pinch them like this."

Her palms were coned over Marie's splendid, swollen breasts, and she pulled them away slowly, dragging her fingers down to the girl's protruding nipples, which she then pinched fairly hard, using all her fingers.

"Annhhhyyiii!" Marie suddenly yelped, tears again springing quickly to her eyes.

Laura wanted to ask if she had pinched too hard but saw the fiery pleasure in Marie's eyes, despite the tears, and knew she had delivered what Marie was hoping for. To deliver an extra little stab of pleasure, she twisted both of Marie's nipples, which were still pinched by her fingers.

"Unnnnn!" Marie half-grunted this time, her eyes throbbing wildly as they caught Laura's. This time a few tears slid down her cheeks.

Laura knew that if they continued this very long, they would never get to the rest. She wanted to pull Marie down on the bed and suck and pinch her luscious, entrapped breasts until Marie was completely devoured by her need to come and would submit to Laura's tender rape. She realized she would have to cut this short, postpone it until later, and yet she recalled in the back of her mind that Marie had said she wanted her tied up breasts to be slapped too.

Immediately, she released Marie's thick, hard nipples from her fingers and with her right hand began to spank both distended globes sharply. Since Marie's large breasts were immobilized by the tight coils of rope and could not sway or move under Laura's blows, they absorbed a direct hit from the flat of Laura's palm each time. This, Laura quickly realized, was something you could not do to yourself, and Marie's reaction confirmed it. As she watched Laura spanking her strangled breasts, her sexual arousal seemed to mingle with something like pleasurable panic, and her breathing became punctuated by tight whimpering and mewling.

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