First Love - Cover

First Love

Copyright© 1999 by Gidget

Chapter 20

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 20 - The story of coming of age of three teenagers

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   First  

Karen did apologize to Jen the first chance she had. It was hard for Jen to look her in the eye, but soon everything was back to normal.

In the summer they had a barbecue, with friends and family over. All the kids swam and played volleyball. As it turned into evening it began to get a bit chilly, and Jen was still in the pool, trying to keep warm. Ryan was sitting on a lawn chair, trying to soak up the last of the sun's rays.

"Ryan," said his mom, who was wrapping up the food while she chatted with a friend. "Will you go get me a sweater? It's getting cold."

"Just a minute, okay?" he replied.

"Ryan, I asked you now, okay?"

"Will you just hold on a minute?"

"I'll go get it, Mom!" volunteered Will, jumping up. "Where is it?"

"Um, it should be in the kitchen," she told her youngest son.

Ryan rolled his eyes at Will's obvious brown-nosing. Right then Jen came over from the pool, wrapped in a towel. She sat on the edge of Ryan's lawn chair, shivering as her teeth chattered. He took his own towel and wrapped it around her shoulders.

"You cold?" he asked.

"Yes!" she laughed. "It was so hot like an hour ago!"

He sat up. "You want your clothes, or a sweatshirt or something?"

She nodded, shivering. "Yeah, please. Thanks hon," she told him as he jumped up and ran into the house.

It was Karen's turn to roll her eyes. "Hmph," she said as she carried food into the house.

JR grinned at her while he covered the barbecue.

"What?" Jen asked, confused.

"She just asked Ryan to get her a sweater. He wouldn't."

"What?" she exclaimed, sounding surprised at Ryan. "Why not?"

JR shrugged. "I don't know. He told her to wait, but Will offered to go get it for her."

Jen laughed. "Will. Yeah, he's her little baby," she noted.

His dad smiled again. "Yeah, but Ryan is her first born. Ryan used to be her little baby you know."

Jen looked surprised as she now understood what his dad had been laughing about. "Yeah, but he's my little baby now!" she told him with a coy smile.

He laughed again. "Yeah, and I bet she's knows it. She's known it for awhile," he told her with another grin.

Ryan came back out then with her clothes. They looked at him hurrying out and laughed.

"What?" Ryan asked them, mystified.

They just laughed as Jen gave him a hug and kiss and said thank you.

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