First Love - Cover

First Love

Copyright© 1999 by Gidget

Chapter 13

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 13 - The story of coming of age of three teenagers

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   First  

"Oh, Ryan... Oh, that feels so good. Oh, wow... " she breathed. He moaned in her ear, her hand gripping his cock.

They were naked together in the guest house of his friend Josh's. Josh was in the main house, probably fucking Alicia, Ryan had said. It was late at night, his parents out of town for the weekend at some wedding.

He was nearly laying on top of her in the bed, his fingers exploring her tight cunt. Now he was fingerfucking her, which didn't really do that much for her, she'd realized. He seemed to really get off on it though. It didn't feel as good as when he massaged her clitoris anyway, which he'd been doing a minute ago. She gripped him, rubbing his taut skin up and down, while her tongue played with his.

He came soon, thrashing in the bed and moaning her name. He let out a wail, and she felt his hot sperm splatter onto her abdomen and chest.

"I wanna fuck you Jen!" he groaned. "Oh, yeah, fuck me, God... " He buried his head on her shoulder, breathing rapidly.

"God," he breathed. "That felt so good."

She was a little annoyed at what he'd said a second ago, but she supposed he couldn't help it.

"You didn't cum, did you?" he asked once he'd caught his breath, the disappointment evident in his voice.

"No," she answered. "Really, don't worry." He was always wanting to know if she'd cum ever since he'd started fingering her. She couldn't help but moan, and he was thrilled. She could have had him kept trying, of course, but she was scared that she still wouldn't cum, and then they would both feel horrible.

"Well! When you cum, you'll know why I always wanted you to. But it felt good?" he asked, wistfully.

"Yes, dearie. It felt great. Don't worry. Girls are different than guys, if we don't cum it's not the end of the world. We're just built that way."

"I know that... "

She snuggled up to him, under the covers.

"I'm gonna miss you when you're gone," he said sadly.

"I'll only be gone three and a half weeks!" she said. "Then we'll have the rest of the summer together. I'll write you every day. You won't even know I'm gone."

"Can't you stay home?"

"No, I can't. No offense, but I'm looking forward to going away. I went to this camp for five years! Now I get to be a counselor. It's gonna be fun. I promise I'll write you," she repeated, rubbing his chest.

"You promise you won't meet any hot guy counselors?"

"Well, I'll try not to," she teased.

He kissed her, tickling her and then pinning her arms to the mattress while he lay on top of her and she giggled. He kissed her again.

"Let's do it tonight," he whispered, looking into her eyes in the moonlight that poured in, the summer night hot outside.

She shook her head, smiling at him sadly.

"Please?" he begged. "Can't I have a going away present?"

"No, Ry. I said no."

"Aright," he gave in. He didn't want to fight with her tonight. He wouldn't be seeing her for nearly a month, and plus, he didn't want to give her any reason to spend any time in any "hot guy counselor's" arms.

"I'm gonna be so bored without you."

"No you won't. I'll be home soon."

"I'll be working hard while you're gone," he said, trying to impress her. "I'm working full time on that house on Woodcrest Court now that school's out."

"You always work hard."

"Someday, I'll build you the biggest house you'd ever want."

"As long as it's big enough for me, you, and our thirty-five cats it'll be fine with me sweetheart."

Ryan laughed. He blew raspberries on her breasts and she shrieked in laughter. They rolled around, in bed, and she lay on him, her breasts pressed against his chest. They kissed, and whispered that they loved each other.

She couldn't write him everyday, but sent him several postcards a week, plus three long letters. He worked hard, getting up at sunrise with his dad and moving and lifting pipes and beams around all day. His back burned and blistered, but then tanned like he'd hoped it would. He was stiff and tired every day, and dreaded the hateful sound of his alarm when it went off in the dark every morning. But he'd feel so guilty if he quit now. The other guys would probably laugh that he was a spoiled brat if he didn't show up. "Daddy's boy."

The night she came home he called her as soon as she walked through the door. Her mom drove her over immediately, and she spent most of the night making out with him on the couch while his little brothers watched TV. Robby and Will groaned and made gagging sounds, but didn't leave, and in fact stared at them half of the time, fascinated. His parents just laughed, relieved that they weren't locked in his room anyway. His parents had always been very affectionate in front of their children, so it wasn't especially shocking.

Later that week he'd promised her they go out. Dana and her boyfriend, Jared, picked her up, and they went to the party where Ryan had planned on meeting her after work. Jen started to drink, and got pretty drunk waiting for him. She'd drank before, and he had too, so it wasn't like he would have been mad at her or something. Around eight-thirty he still hadn't shown up, and she called him, wondering where he was. His mom answered, telling her that he was asleep.

"He's asleep?" she asked, shocked.

"Yeah, I just went in there and he's out. Do you need for me to wake him up for you?"

"Yeah, wake him up."

A minute or two later a sleepy sounding Ryan answered the phone.

"Ryan! What are you doing? You said you meet me here like, awhile ago!"

"Oh. Sorry. I guess I fell asleep. What time's it?" he mumbled.

"It's almost nine," she said crossly. "What the hell?" she demanded.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I guess I can't make it. I'm really tired."

"Well, why didn't you call me?"

"Dude, I said I just fell asleep! I didn't plan on ditching you or anything. Besides, I don't have the phone number where you are."

"Whatever," she said, disappointed and not bothering to hide it.

"What? Hey, babe, I didn't do it on purpose you know. I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you, I promise."


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