Fenced - Cover


Copyright© 2023 by OmegaPet-58

Chapter 16: Secrecy

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 16: Secrecy - Longtime friends Barry and Larry are on the back porch after (high) school with their laptops. Is that homework on their screens? The hot young widow next door sees repetitive motions through their fence's knot hole, and videos them. Maybe she can offer something non-electronic for their laps, hmm? When she's done, those 2 guys and their 2 girlfriends have poked through their first fence line to adulthood and found love.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Fa/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Teen Siren   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Crime   School   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   Cousins   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Petting   Nudism  

Once Arlene was reassured that there was no pregnancy to be worried about (and therefore no impending marriage), they all enjoyed a pleasant dinner.

The next day was a “Hera Day.” She admitted them to her house, curtly. “Alright, you jokers. You’ve been holding out on me. After I’ve been so nice to you. Who is that girl with the teacup tits you’re hanging out with?”

“That’s Larry’s new girlfriend, Diane. She was my friend first, and then she heard about his time at the so-called Christian school, and she dumped me and kissed his face off. But I’m happy for him, kind of, sort of. Oh, Hera, I’m sad, hug me!”

“Larry, is this true?”

“Well, not exactly, but yes. We were in an equal three-way friendship, actually. I think it was making her a little tense because she liked us both. Then, when Barry told her my recent history (except for you, of course), she decided she wanted to be MY girlfriend, not OUR friend.

“I am sorry, Barry.”

“Oh, fuck you. You’re not really sorry. Your feet hardly touch the ground when she’s around you, teacup tits and all.”

His face belied his words, Barry was mature enough to be happy on behalf of his good friend.

“I guess then you no longer have any interest in my flabby old ass, then.”

“That’s not true! I LOVE your fantastic perfect ass, and everything else about you, Hera. If you’re not too jealous, I can show you right now.”


Larry answered, “This all happened just yesterday. It’s going to be a long time before there’s any sexiness between us. All I know for sure is that she says I’m cute.”

“That’s because you ARE cute, dumb ass. It’s just that Barry’s a little cuter. So I think today he can be first. Go do your homework or something while he and I are busy.

“Oh, for shit’s sake, Larry, don’t pout. That is NOT cute. Barry, why are you still dressed?”

Two Weeks Later

It was an unusually warm day for the first week of December. Diane was bra-less and wearing her flimsiest blouse over her tightest pair of pants. Out on the back porch, their networked game had just ended and Diane stood up, frustrated and impatient.

“What’s wrong, Diane?” asked Larry. “You won again, you’re really good at this game.”

“That’s not it. What is wrong with me?”


“I know that you know how I’m dressed. You do look, but that’s it. You say you think I’m pretty, you say lots of complimentary things, but that’s it. Neither of you seem to have any kind of interest in my body. I’m OK with that from Barry, but Larry, you haven’t made any kind of pass.

“I think I could sit in your lap and there wouldn’t be any reaction under my butt from the contact. I’m sorry, it hurts my feelings to think you don’t desire me. I already have a brother. And I used to play these same networked games with him. And we’d get nearly naked, like I told you. But he had no interest in MY body. It was when Sandy’s shirt came off that he had that tent in his panties.

“Here I am. My tits are right in front of you except for a wisp of fabric, and you’re behaving like my brother: oblivious, uncaring. That feeling from him was perfectly fine. From you, Larry: horrible.

“I read somewhere that the opposite of love is indifference. I was so attracted; I wanted you to be my first real boyfriend. For you to make love to me. But that’s not going to happen. You’re not interested, so I am going home now while I still have some self-esteem.”

Larry literally wailed: “Noooo!”

Barry said, “We have to tell her. Does it have to be me, again?”

His friend was tongue-tied, he could only nod his head.

“Alright. Diane, you may have noticed, I seem to be a little more talkative than my friend Larry. Words seem to come more easily. So, again, I need to explain.

“A little bit before Arlene discovered us, after we had been jerking off to porn together for a while, then another person saw us. She, yes, she, caught us with our pants down, literally.

“Her name is Hera. She’s the next door neighbor, and she caught sight of us masturbating through a hole in the fence. That fence over there on the west side. And she took her phone and made a video of us.

“Larry recognized her when she showed up here on the porch the next day. Hera is in her mid-twenties, I guess, and very curvy. She’s been widowed for a few years. She showed us her video, and we were totally embarrassed.

“But then, she dropped down and gave us blow jobs. While she was blowing Larry, she asked me to take some explicit but anonymous pictures of her. Then, she invited us to her house a few days later.

“The next day, I put up on my display the photos of Hera, and we were jerking off and reminiscing. For both of us, oral sex with Hera had been our first actual sex. Just a minute or two after we started was when Arlene discovered us and everything went out of control, as you have already heard. Larry was kidnapped the following evening.”

“Barry, I don’t have a lot of patience left. Why are you telling me this?”

“It will make sense in a minute or two, Diane, I promise. So, I went alone to Hera’s the next day, and explained to her what had happened, with the information I had at the time. Since there was nothing either of us could do for Larry, I continued to see Hera on my own.

“Hera was lonely, she’d been alone for a few years since her husband died. She decided she was going to teach me how to be a good lover, and so that’s what we did together.

“A few weeks later, Larry was back, and she repeated the lessons with him. Larry said that he spent the time while he was in chains imagining the sex Hera and I were having. It gave him hope.”

“So, you’re telling me part of his ‘I want to go back to live with Arlene’ story included his desire to pick up again with Hera?”

“I suppose that could have been part of his thinking, he needs to answer that for himself.”

“I still don’t understand why I am hearing this. If Larry had wanted to make love, I wouldn’t be his first. Now I REALLY want to leave.”

“Diane, I want you, desperately, I do! There are two reasons why I haven’t shown it.

“The first reason is that I am very afraid that if I started being horny and groping you would be dumping me. I can’t even imagine how painful for me that would be.

“Diane, you are the sun to me. I orbit around you, in your light and heat.

“Because of that fear, I feel inhibited. Barry will back me up on this: Hera emphasized over and over with us how necessary it was to be slow, gentle, and polite with a new girlfriend. She says porn is a terrible way to learn about sex. Maybe she is remembering something bad from her own teenage years. Or it’s just generally true that guys our age tend to be impatient, pushy, and mean.

“It would kill me to think I acted like an asshole and drove you away. But I guess I have gone too far in the opposite direction and made you think I didn’t desire you. Oh, God, I’ve really fucked up!”

Barry interjected, “The second reason, why we aren’t hard and dripping in front of you, is that Hera is still seeing us a couple of times a week. On days when you’re not here after school, Larry and I are frequently going across the fence to be in Hera’s bed.

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