Henry 4th - Cover

Henry 4th

by OmegaPet-58

Copyright© 2021 by OmegaPet-58

Historical Sex Story: Henry IV (Hank) is being raised by his Mum to be a gentleman and heir to his wealthy father. Mum also instructs him in the art of loving. Her lover Humphrey, widowed, brings his daughter Mary for similar coaching. Romance and lovemaking are the inevitable result for Mary and Hank. Will there be a Henry V?

Caution: This Historical Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Historical   Incest   First   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   .

Chapter 1: Hubris

Henry Lancaster III was prideful to a fault. When his wife Eleanor (“Ellie”) delivered a son, Henry insisted on naming him Henry the Fourth. But Ellie preferred the more approachable “Hank.” Or, as an adorable young boy, “Hankie.”

Although Hank and Ellie enjoyed a close bond, Henry was distant, preferring to delegate parental duties to Ellie. Although Hank was taught to be respectful to his father, their relationship was only correct, not close. The Lancaster holdings extended through a wide swath of pre-industrial England; Henry III was a well-established member of the nobility. His inherited wealth was sufficient for all their needs; Ellie oversaw the household from her (separate) bedroom.

Henry had been satisfied once he had created an heir; he no longer desired Ellie since pregnancy had altered her body in small ways. Her breasts were less firm, her nipples and areolas were darker, and hair now trailed down from her navel to her pubes. Unimportant changes, but apparently a problem for Henry.

So, without any particular objection from Ellie, Henry had trysts with other women when he felt the urge. In Ellie’s bedroom, Hank enjoyed evenings and mornings spent with his mother. With plenty of blankets, they were accustomed to sleeping in the nude. Ellie did her best to help Hank become comfortable with their bodies.

One sunny morning, Ellie pulled aside the blankets and looked at her son. He had grown so much! There were new tufts of hair on his upper lip, armpits, and below his belly. Not for the first time, she noticed he was erect.

“Wake up, son. Good morning! How are you feeling?” “Alright, Mom, just a little stiff.”

“I can see that,” Ellie smiled. Hank was instantly embarrassed and grabbed the blanket. “Hey, it’s fine, that’s normal for men in the morning. Go have a pee, and then come back to me.”

Hank finished his business with a little shake, and returned to the bed. “It’s time we had a talk. You are so adorable, but we need to set you up with a bed in the other room.”

“But, Mo-om, why can’t I stay with you?” “As much as I love you, I need some privacy. To be honest, I miss sleeping with other men.”

“I thought that was Father’s job. What do you mean?” “As far as my husband goes, his job was over when I birthed you, his heir. He hasn’t touched me since. I’m lonely.”

“What do you mean, lonely?” “You see that pointy thing you have down there? My lady parts want one of those to play with, and I can’t use yours.”

“Why not, Mom?” He was tearing up. “Hank, our life together would end if we were discovered. You might even get me pregnant again!” “You’re kidding! Mom, I’m too young to be a father!”

“Your rod thinks otherwise. I know you play with it. You know when it spits the white stuff?” Hank was purple with embarrassment now. “I thought you were asleep.”

“Hank, maybe the first time, but the next twenty times I just kept my eyes closed. If you weren’t so engrossed, you might have noticed what my hand was doing. Don’t look so shocked, 9 out of 10 people do this, and the tenth one is just lying. Anyway, that white stuff makes children happen. It bakes inside my womb for nine months, and then presto: girl or boy baby, or sometimes, twins.”

“So we will put a bed in the next room for you. I will kiss you and put you down for the night, then come back here. Don’t be anxious, I will leave the connecting door ajar for you. But sometimes I will have visitors, and I will need my privacy then. Will that be alright with you?”

Hank was sad, “I wish I could be private with you too. I love you!” “I know, Son, but it’s necessary. When you’re older, you will want your own woman to play with. Trust me, it’s not attractive to be a man still sleeping with his mother. What’s the worst insult you can think of? Yeah, it sounds like ‘a-nother sucker.’”

“Yes, Mom, I won’t block your fun. But if you know any playful girls, point them my way. Also, please teach me so I don’t cause any surprise Henry the Fifths.”

Chapter 2: Habitat for Carnality

Hank adapted to their new arrangements, including observing at the edge of the connecting door. Certainly he found more time for masturbation sessions. Also, he studied how his mother satisfied her own needs, sometimes with a special, um, probe. With visitors, he realized that all kinds of positions were available. His favorite was when Ellie straddled her lover, sinking onto his thrusting cock. He learned about oral sex, and even anal sex, and how her periods were handled.

For years, Hank had been helping with her monthly cycles. He would bring hot water bottles, wash her clean, and soothe her cramps. She was often moody, or tearful. But she always thanked him and proclaimed him, “Best Son Ever!”

One night, Ellie was enjoying a post-coital cuddle with her latest lover, Humphrey. “Yeah, that’s my name. My father hated me that much. But he’s gone now, and I’m a widower with a 17-year-old daughter. I love her to pieces, but my Mary needs a mother to help her become an adult. Do you have any ideas, Ellie?”

“Has she never had a date? A boyfriend? What about her monthlies?” “I had her see a midwife about that. She was so frightened; she thought she was going to bleed to death!”

“If Mary is as sweet as her Daddy, she is surely welcome to live with us. Do you trust me?” “Of course! I will bring her to you straight away. Thank you, Ellie.”

So his daughter joined the household. Ellie began tutoring her on how to become a full-grown woman, able to blend into the higher class society. Ellie’s dressmaker was put to work on building a whole new wardrobe for Mary. It was easy work fitting her youthful yet curvy figure with flattering fashions. Mary was of medium height and weighed just eight stone (112 lbs., 51 kg.). Her curly brown hair and pale blue eyes informed the selection of appropriately colored fabrics.

Although Ellie reviewed each gown for fit and suitability, occasionally Hank would also be allowed to evaluate. This turned out to be a waste of time, because Hank had the same response to every outfit. “Mary, you are the most beautiful of women.” As far as he was concerned, even a burlap bag would be no different. He just lost himself in her eyes.

Another part of the program was practice with makeup. The fashion of the time was to lighten the face and bosom with various concoctions. But in Mary’s case, her complexion was already quite fair, so she elected to go without any whitening. She did add some crimson to her lips, however.

Finally, Ellie and Mary journeyed to the Parfumerie for a signature scent. Mary’s choice was a lavender and citrus blend that should be readily available as needed. Hank’s opinion? “Scentillating!”

Ellie’s primary goal was to help Mary become knowledgeable in the ways of her body. “The first rule, Mary, is to keep a calendar. Mark your bleeding days. You have? Good. Let’s take a look. Excellent, you have a regular 4-week cycle.”

“Mary, this calendar-keeping is vital for you to know when you are susceptible to becoming pregnant. Now, Mary, I need to tell you a secret. For many years, my husband has ignored me. He prefers other women. For a long time, I have used my hand for fun.”

“Your hand? I don’t understand, Ellie.” “Oh, you know, rub my button.” “Button? I don’t follow.”

“Join me tonight after dinner. Wash carefully before bed, and I’ll give you a special lesson.” Later, Mary approached Ellie’s bed wearing her nightgown. She was naked, as usual. “Mary, let’s get you out of that thing.

Now, watch me carefully; it’s time for some show and tell. All of this area the French call ’le chat.’ In English, ‘the cat,’ maybe from the fur on top. But truly we girls have pussies (or fannies) and our men call them cunts. Now, look closely. My pussy has two big lips, and between them two small lips. Because I’m older and have given birth, the inner lips hang out a bit. Pull them apart to show two holes: a tiny one for pissing, and a bigger one for men’s cocks to go in and for infants to come out. And further down, and back, the butthole for pooping and farts.

But, the best part is higher, where the small lips and large lips join together. If you rub there, you will have the greatest pleasure from a little nub or button. To prepare for this, I play with my lips and my nipples. This makes my pussy feel wet and hot, and my nipples and button stiffen up for playtime. Watch me...”

“See my nipples? They are getting stimulated.”

“Now, it’s easier to find my button. It’s where I said, but difficult to see with the pussy hair. Oh, yes, there she is. Ahhhh. Before I get too crazy, it’s your turn now.”

“Mary, stroke your nipples, feel how they stiffen under your fingers. Yes, that’s it. Don’t be afraid, they want to be pulled and pushed.” Ellie retrieved her looking glass. “Can you see your pussy, Mary? I’m going to open your lips a little so you can see inside.” As Ellie stroked Mary’s folds, wetness and scent began to exude from her inexperienced pussy.

“Now reach down and find your button. It’s like mine, explore up top where your lips come together. When you find her, play gently. Slide your fingertips beside her, squeeze and caress. Feel how she loves you. Lick your fingers and keep going. Close your eyes and let your fantasies run. You’re climbing a hill of pleasure.”

“That’s it, keep going. Let yourself go, higher and faster. You’re going to come.” Mary moaned and quivered, panting. Her pelvis muscles clenched and released in several cycles. Mary began slowly recovering from, ‘coming’? It felt more like bombs had gone off inside her. “Ellie, what have you done? I’m all sweaty and hot. It was like being taken into another world.”

“So you enjoyed yourself?” “You bet, I want this every day and every night.”

“You think this was great, wait until you do it with a man.” “I will surely die of happiness!”

The next morning: “Mary, I have more to tell you. According to your calendar, it’s been about ten days since your last period started. It is very likely that your body is fully ready to conceive a child. Now, since you haven’t received any penetration by a man, you won’t become pregnant. However, this time is when your body is most passionate, and you feel the stirrings of lust most keenly.”

“I know about these things from personal experience, although my cycles are diminishing due to age. It so happens that tomorrow is my day to start bleeding, which is always a painful burden. Fortunately, I will have help, as you will see. For today, let’s get the bedding washed up; then you can tell me more about your delightful father.”

Chapter 3: M-O-O-N, That Spells Period

“Oh, Mary, please help me. Go get Hank and tell him I’m being a lunatic. He will understand what that means.”

Mission accomplished, Mary and Hank stood at the bedside. “Mary, get the bottle from Hank and fill it with hot water. Wash your hands and bring two cloths, one dry and one dampened with warm water.”

When they returned, Mary was surprised to see Ellie naked in the bed, knees apart, with a sheet tucked under her. Hank wrapped the hot water bottle and placed it on her lower abdomen. “You can see this is how I have taken care of Ellie every month for years now.” Gently, he cleaned her lower lips, and used a finger to insure no vaginal clots persisted. Finally, he bestowed a sweet kiss on her lips and took the reddened washcloth away to soak. “Best Son Ever!” sighed Ellie, and closed her eyes.

They withdrew to another room. Mary found all of this hard to believe. “I was taught that a bleeding woman was smelly and nasty, and that men would avoid her bed until it was over. But you were so caring and kind! How does this happen?”

“Ellie always had difficulty with her monthly cycles. She would be cross, and miserable. Finally I begged her to explain, and then I knew I could help her get through the bad days. She told you what happens if the periods stop, yes?”

“A baby.” “Yes, I’m assuming you’re not ready for motherhood. Perhaps some gentleman in your future life?”

“I think about ‘him,’ yes. He has to be kind, and a good son for his mother. But I have a question: you kissed her so sweetly, does that mean you want to be her lover?”

“No, sweetie, I believe your father is filling that role. I think of it more as signing off on my work. I know she wants to stay clean and avoid infection. So tomorrow night I’ll be back at it. You know, work, work, work. Mum says you need to be careful since the playground is next to waste disposal.”

Mary was pensive. “Oh, I get it now. I wish she was my Mother!”

The next evening, Ellie wanted to bathe. “Join me, Mary. We will wash each other and then practice ‘find the button.’” Mary was instantly flustered, but they undressed together while waiting for the bath to fill.

In the tub, Ellie inspected Mary closely. “I see you still have your maidenhead, your hymen. We will take care of that for you. And it’s a good idea to trim back the shrubbery here too. Just enough for comfort, and you should trim me too. It’s not great when your father gets hair in his teeth.”

“Teeth? Wait, he bites your kitty?” “Oh, Mary, you’re so cute! No, he licks, and sucks, and teases my kitty and my button with the tip of his tongue. I’ll show you, if you like.” “More ‘ coming’?” “Most certainly. That’s my oral favorite, after cock-sucking, of course.”

“God! You know everything, I know nothing. No man will want me.” Her lower lip was trembling.” “Stop! That is not true. I am going to teach you everything I know. And then, later, I’m going to your wedding, as ‘mother of the bride.’” Mary was openly crying, now. Hank stuck his head in, “You ladies alright?”

“Yeah, I think I have to adopt Mary.” She wailed and threw her arms around Ellie. “Mary doesn’t sound all right.” Ellie laughed and needled, “Happy tears, boy. Go get ready to soothe my cramps. We will be out in a few minutes.”

In bed, Ellie spread her legs while cuddling her sniffling “daughter.” Hank placed the bottle, checked and cleaned her kitty, and bestowed his customary kiss. Then, he circled the bed and cuddled against Mary’s back and butt, and soon all were asleep.

In the morning, Ellie was cranky and aching. Ruefully, she saw bloodstains on her thighs and sheets. After a stop in the bathroom, she finally had a reason to smile. Mary and Hank were spooned together; no doubt his erection was caught between her thighs.

“Children, wakey-wakey. Time to get up.” Mary woke sharply when she realized Hank was cuddled against her butt. And, was that his cock? Ellie pulled away the bloodstained top sheet, and had a clear view of Hank’s fully aroused equipment.

“He’s having dreams, yes. About you. I think he noticed your cuddlesome ass. Let’s get him in the bathroom before that thing erupts. Go pee with him and wash up while I strip the bed. On third thought, no, I’m having more cramps. So you two strip the sheets. And fill my hot water bottle. Then we should get breakfast.”

After they finished eating, Hank cleared away and cleaned the dishes. He took away the dirty bed linens and put on clean sheets. Then it was kissing time!

Two more days and nights, then Ellie’s period was done. “Will Hank help me with my period?” “Of course, Mary, it will be my pleasure.”

“That’s my boy, he’s been well-trained. Mary, send word to your father. He should come over and talk about your future. God, is it going to be tears every time? And tell him to bring his pointer. No, not a dog. He’ll figure it out!”

Chapter 4: Mother Knows Best

“Mary, I have your father’s consent to clear away your hymen. I’m going to use a metal tool and make sure you won’t get infected. Hank, come hold her hand. Be brave, girl, here we go.” “There, all done. Are you alright?” “Yeah, thank you. One more step on the path.” Ellie: “Let’s talk some more tomorrow.”

The next day: “My dear children, oh damn. Mary, knock it off! I swear, I’m going to stop talking if you won’t stop with all the crying. Now, children, your father and I are going away for a week. He has some property to sell and I’m going to help out.”

“Now, Mary’s period will be starting soon, so Hank will be taking care of you. But, before the flow, you have a few safe days for making love.” “But Mo-om, I need your help. Your advice. I⁠ don’t know if Mary even wants me that way.”

“Hank, I love you, but you can be awfully thickheaded. Mary?”

“I don’t know, he seems ambivalent. Maybe I should look elsewhere.”

“Miss Mary, you mistake me. I dream of holding you, kissing you, loving you. I want us to share each others’ most private feelings. Let me please you.” Ellie: “That’s better. Mary, how do you feel?”

“Hank is so gentle with you, Ellie. He does anything and everything to help ease you each month. And, to be fair, his eyes follow us wherever we may go. I love having him behind me, like a big warm spoon. Please, help us to become more loving.”

“Then before I leave, go cuddle in my big bed. No clothes! I’ll be right back.” She returned with two warm and wet cloths. “I need you to reverse, so your faces are at each other’s waists. This is called ‘69.’ Take these wet cloths and wash each other. When you’re done, I’m ready to teach you.”

“Now, Hank, it’s time for your lesson. Look carefully, she is like me, there are outer lips, and inner lips on her kitty. Now, at the lower end you have her opening, with the remainder of her hymen around the edges. Be gentle there, it’s still healing from yesterday. Now, move back up to where the lips come together. Again, be cautious. Her button is there, you will feel a swelling. I want you to taste her. Move your tongue between her lips, wetting as you go.”

“You can tell when you’re making her happy. There will be a scent, a slippery feeling from inside. Mary, tell him what you like! Play with your nipples. Are you enjoying this?” “So good, don’t stop...”

“Hank, you’re doing great. Use your fingertips to part her lips. I want you to gently lick her little button. Give it little strokes, up and down, side to side. Move between her knees, and keep going. Now, take just one finger. With your palm up, slowly introduce your index finger into her hole. When it’s in, just curl your finger up and caress the front wall. Yep, that’s the normal reaction, you found the spot.”

“It won’t be long now. Tune your actions to match her excitement. Speed up if you can. Do you see how she’s flushed? Make her happy beyond words. Yes, Mary, come!” Hank was thrilled. He felt on his finger Mary’s contractions, as she enjoyed a thundering climax.

When she was able, she grabbed his head and began kissing all over his face. There was an unusual scent. “Is that me? It’s kind of sexy. You (kiss) must (kiss) do that to me again! (kiss)” Ellie: “But first, he wants to come too. Hank, lie on your back. Mary, get between his legs, tell me what you see.”

“I see the sweetest, most loving man. He’s beautiful. And he’s looking awfully excited. Ellie, what’s that wetness on the tip? Does he need to pee?”

“No, that’s a little slippery drop for keeping comfortable. Not pee. You can taste it to be sure. Then rub the rest around the head. Now, we’re ready for playtime. Take your hand and grip his shaft, you will be stroking it up and down, like this.” “Ahhh,” breathed Hank.

“It’s like a sleeve, it slides on the shaft. It’s soft and stiff and hot all at the same time! I love it!”

“Now, you’re going to give Hank a blow job. The name doesn’t make sense, it’s really sucking and licking, but you are both going to love it. Give me a moment to explain. His cock is sensitive, it feels like your button does. Blow jobs help him get hard, if necessary. Use your hand to tug him back and forth. Put the tip in your mouth and pretend it’s candy. Lick it, suck on it, but never bite.”

“Now Hank will be telling you when he is about to come. If you’re comfortable with it, it’s two or three good-sized swallows of his baby batter. Be assured you won’t get pregnant from a blow job. Now take him to paradise.”

Hank did remember to warn her, but she was too happy to care. But Mary shied away when he sought to kiss her. “No!” “It’s fine, let me kiss you. Wow, that’s different. I have to admit, I enjoy the production more than the consumption, but it’s always a thrill to kiss you, Mary.”

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