Gorgeous George: Beauty Is Skin Deep, Ugly Goes to the Bone - Cover

Gorgeous George: Beauty Is Skin Deep, Ugly Goes to the Bone

Copyright© 2021 by OmegaPet-58

Chapter 10: Doe, Herrley, and Culley

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 10: Doe, Herrley, and Culley - ... But Stupid is as Stupid Does. George barely finished high school with an un-diagnosed learning disability. By chance, he found a coach to help him learn and communicate. He got a better job as a bookkeeper. One day a young woman, Annette, sought help. His loving parents accepted her into their home. Growing closer, they courted, as far as her battered (yet beautiful) body allowed. Then came the lawyers. Motivational flan. Backyard nudism. Waffles. Family ties. The women's clinic.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Rape   Heterosexual   Fiction   Rags To Riches   Anal Sex   First   Oral Sex   Nudism  

Paul ushered Annette into a conference room. His connections had worked, and DHC had agreed to represent her against Jerry Deakins. First up was a thorough review of her life and upbringing. Then, her story with Deakins. Davis Herrley asked for details on what Deakins owned, his assets, and any property. “Don’t worry, we have forensic accountants to expose everything. Now, I understand you have injuries?” Dan passed over the phone and guided him through the relevant images. And then the demolished car. “We will need to borrow this phone for a couple days and document a chain of custody. Any other injuries or property damage?” Paul looked at Annette, sympathetically.

“Yes, he raped me and lacerated my vagina. I’m sure my doctors can provide documentation, also for the bruising.”

Mr. Herrley swore under his breath. “I am sure we can make him pay much more for that kind of battery. Go home with Paul while we get cracking. With this evidence we can get an expedited restraining order. I’m copying the evidence over to the District Attorney to get a higher bail set and amend the charges. I have some forms for you. And please, be as safe as you can. If you see or hear from Deakins, call the police immediately. Then call us, we can dispatch protection too. I know Paul would cheerfully stomp him into jelly, but, don’t do it. I will check in with you at the end of the week. And, thank you for trusting us.”

George needed to keep up at his bookkeeping job, so at dinner he and his mother caught up with the news from DHC. Also, on the way home, he bought ibuprofen, an electric heating pad, and an ice pack for Annette: ice for the elbow, and heat for her abdomen. “Emmy, your son is spoiling me. It’s your fault!” “Yup, he’s a good kid. How is the new bed?” “It’s nice and soft. I undress in the dark so he doesn’t get angry.” “Angry!?” “The bruises set him off. I’m just glad there’s no guns in this house.”

George grumbled. “Not this house, our house, honey.” Emmy: “What he said. Do you see any other half-naked women in the backyard? Besides me?” Paul made happy noises.

A month passed. Davis Herrly called at the house. “Yeah, I took the ferry. How are things with the kids?” Paul answered, “They’re good. George will be home momentarily. Stay for dinner? Annette and Emmy are making enchiladas verdes.“ “Hmm, twist my arm. OK.”

George appeared. “I’m home. Something smells wonderful! Oh, you must be Davis Herrly, Attorney-at-Law. Annette speaks highly of you. Say, why is that ‘Attorney-at-Law’? Are there any Attorneys-at-Not-Law?”

“I could explain it, but then I’d have to bill you.”

After demolishing the meal, and indulging in sweet flan, Herrley was ready to chat. “We have some progress to report. Deakins fired his first lawyer, and the next guy, Felton, isn’t very sharp. We have identified about $300 thousand in hidden assets and property. Your medical bills are about half of that, and we can add in pain and suffering. The restraining order is in place. Deakins paid the fines and had your car crushed for recycling.”

“Felton seems to be compiling a settlement offer, which we will immediately reject. Then the judge will see that offer, and threaten them with sanctions. The next offer may be worth consideration, if they have any wisdom. This judge has no patience for sandbagging injured women. And he has the power to force the issue. So, you guys have a good resolution in sight. And I might even be asking you to make another spectacular meal for our hungry staff.”

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