Displaced, a Tragic Fable With a Happy Ending - Cover

Displaced, a Tragic Fable With a Happy Ending

Copyright © 2021, 2022 by OmegaPet-58

Chapter 18

Drama Sex Story: Chapter 18 - Revised 12/22, Original was 2/21. An entitled school bully strikes a near-mortal blow, tearing apart a poor Texas family. Archie leaves home to, he thinks, save his family, surviving in the ruins of a formerly prosperous coast. He must find his way back, from pain and fear to a new life with family, friends, and sweet sexy romance.

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Teenagers   Blackmail   Coercion   Romantic   Heterosexual   Crime   Humor   Rags To Riches   School   Tear Jerker   First   Caution   Politics   Revenge   Slow   Violence  

Edgar Belkin glared at his team of lawyers. “Alright, how bad is it?”

“Sir, we are in a pickle, legally speaking.” Edgar snarled. “We think Dawes has an excellent case and his counsel will go right to the mat for him. By the time we got involved, Simmons had been shredded. You have to settle, and for substantial sums. Otherwise, Judge Garlock will strip you bare. There’s nothing meaner than an angry Texas judge, and he’s too well connected to fold under pressure. You need to finish this mess and disown your wild-ass son while you still can.”

Rose and Archie rode an elevator to a plush fifth floor office suite. They had been called for a settlement conference with Belkin’s lawyers. Rose began with pleasantries. “Thank you for seeing us. This office is pretty snazzy, while my office has a view of the bus station. So, what are you guys proposing?”

An hour later, they broke for five minutes. Archie raised his eyebrow, “That last offer sounded pretty good...” Rose shook her head and gestured towards the tabletop, and then her ears. “Shh.” They waited, silent.

When they returned, Belkin’s lead lawyer spoke first: “We have made three offers to you without success.” Rose inclined her head, acknowledging this. “Perhaps you have different terms in mind?”

Rose: “We have two proposals. The first one is simple. With a guaranteed agreement releasing all claims and making permanent the restraining order, we will accept $7 million as settlement. OR, second, this is more complicated. With the same releases and orders, all of Archie’s existing medical bills from the past four years will be paid, up to a maximum of $900 thousand. Also, a $2 million health trust benefiting Archie for long-term top-level medical care. A $900,000 annuity to provide Bettie with a monthly income for the rest of her life, and a $1.8 million annuity with a 20-year term for Archie. And, last, $450 thousand to acquire and furnish a new home for the Dawes and White families. Under either proposal, you pay my fee of $1,200,000 directly. Here’s a hard copy of these terms. Contact us next Monday with your decision. Let’s go, Mr. Dawes.”

In her car Archie asked, “Do you really think we were being recorded?” She shook her head. “Even those feckless chumps couldn’t be that stupid. I’d be taking them to the cleaners, on their way to being disbarred.”

“What about those numbers?” Rose: “I tried to give them incentives for each option without triggering Judge Garlock. I know he’s not a fan of long trials, and also he hates watching big guys trample ordinary folks. We will see what happens, but I have a good feeling about this.”

Back with his study guides, Archie finished preparations for the GED tests.

Dr. Kelso’s evaluation report reached Rose’s office with a cover note. “Rose, Archie will want to read this, but don’t let him see it yet. His pattern of catastrophizing will damage your case in court. He’s a great kid, yet he thinks the way he is now is how he must always be. I hate to be a stereotypical therapist, but he has big problems around sex and love. I have some ideas on how to move him forward as soon as this case is over. Thank you! S J Kelso.”

Kelso’s report had gone to the judge’s chambers and the defense lawyers. To Rose, the contents were crusted with impenetrable jargon but conveyed a positive appraisal.

Back in his headquarters, Edgar Belkin was with his posse of lawyers. “All right, we’ve been through this all three times. Except for you, you’re all fired. Get out of my sight!” Remaining was the most senior lawyer, who was sweating in his heavy wool suit. “Irv, take off that coat, you look like death. Now, tell your opponent I’m going to take the straight $7 million settlement option.”

“Next, I want you in Grand Cayman. I’ll give you the details to withdraw $8 million from Altajir Bank and transfer it back here with usual methods. I’ll need you to pay the fee for the shrink, Kelso, and clear that hospital bill for Archie Dawes. Got it? Oh yeah, better send 50 g’s immediately to their attorney, Fitzgerald, so she doesn’t stick her nose further into my business. Make sure she understands this is a progress payment towards her fee as agreed. I want this to be over!”

“Last, get my family lawyer. I need to make some new arrangements.” As the lawyer left, Edgar rubbed at his tired eyes.

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