Don't Change: Book 2 - Transmutation - Cover

Don't Change: Book 2 - Transmutation

Copyright© 2019 by Arquillius

Chapter 1: In a Mirror

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 1: In a Mirror - The Team is back and ready to fight the hordes of enemies coming at them. Cybots and Aliens, the team has their hands full. Especially with Joshua de-powered. A new group of heroes show up to join the team, but can the team win?

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fiction   Superhero   Science Fiction   Aliens   Robot   Time Travel   Incest   Father   Daughter   Oral Sex   Nudism   Transformation   Violence  

The blue four-door sedan rolls across the parking lot of the convention hall. Its occupants are 3 females. Amy and Clarissa are easily identified. Clarissa is driving, and Amy is in the shotgun seat. The car’s interior is gray in color. Clarissa is in the Beet Buster costume. Amy is wearing her Yellow Buster costume. The person in the back seat is an eight-year-old girl, wearing a stag buster costume. Her hair is shoulder length and black. She has green eyes. The helmet she is to wear is sitting next to her on the car seat while she plays on a Nintendo DS.

“So, Cass, you looking forward to the convention?” Amy asks looking back at the young girl sitting in the back seat.

“Not really,” Cassie says not looking up from her game.

“Ames, why don’t you ask her the real question here?” Clarissa asks.

“Which is?” Amy asks.

“Cass? Are you excited about meeting your big brother for the first time?” Clarissa asks.

Amy giggles at this. She already knew the answer. Cassie shuts off her Nintendo DS and sets it aside.

“YEAH! What do you think he’ll be like? Do you think he’ll like me? What do you think he’ll look like? Will he look more like Dad or more like Mom?” Cassie asks with a huge grin.

Both of the elder girls laugh at this.

“You’ll see soon enough, we all will,” Amy says.

“You’ve got his information memorized, don’t you?” Clarissa asks with a smirk.

“Mayyyyybe,” Amy says while blushing.

“Oh come on, Ames, I know you,” Clarissa says as she steals a glance at her younger sister.

“Well, soon enough we’ll meet him, and if the reports from that private detective are true, he’s gonna be here. Thanks for coming along for this.” Amy says.

“And miss meeting my little brother and seeing my little sister meet her twin for the first time? I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Clarissa says.

“All right Cassie, helmets on,” Amy says as the car pulls into a parking spot.

The three of them pull their helmets on after Clarissa throws the car in park and shuts it off. They all exit the car and Clarissa locks it up.

“So how will we know when we find him?” Cassie asks, looking up at Amy as they get to the back of the car.

“He’s right there, sweetie,” Amy says with a smile under her helmet.

She points to a guy getting out of a truck dressed as the Red Buster.

“Now I need you to stay calm. He doesn’t know us yet and doesn’t know who his real family is yet. Okay?” Amy says.

“Okay!” Cassie says.

The group walks over to the costumed figures getting out of the white truck.

“Wow, I think we’re in luck. A couple more for the set!” Amy says, trying to act friendly.

“And guys too,” Clarissa says. “I bet they’re cute under their helmets.”

“Oh wow, Yellow, Stag and Beet Buster. What’re the chances?” The Red Buster cosplayer says.

“Good actually, we were tipped off what you were dressed as, Joshua,” Amy says nonchalantly.

“Wait, how did you know my name?” The Red Buster cosplayer asks as he removes his helmet.

“We need to talk. This is your roommate Phil, huh? Nice to meet you. I’m Amy.” Amy says removing her helmet.

“I’m Clarissa,” Clarissa says removing her helmet.

“CASSIE!” Cassie shouts removing her helmet and doing a sentai-esk pose, giving a peace sign next to her face.

“Okay, three women, two of them in dating range and kinda hot know who I am, what costume I’m going to wear, and want to talk. Why do I think that I’m still dreaming?” Joshua asks.

Phil opens the hatch to the back of the truck. Joshua and Phil sit down on the truck bed after Phil removes his helmet.

“I’d say you’ve got some stalkers man, but usually stalkers are crazy and butt ugly.” Phil points out.

“In fairness, we did stalk you a little, but only so we could all finally meet,” Amy says.

“You wanted to meet me? Why? You have a fandom for dishwashers at overpriced restaurants with assholes for bosses?” Joshua asks.

“No. Joshua this may come as a shock, but you were adopted as a kid,” Amy says.

“I know, right after I was born, by Flint and Julie Maximus. What does... ?” Joshua says.

Joshua stops short realizing what they were getting at. His eyes go wide.

“Holy shit,” Joshua says, stunned by his revelation.

“What is it?” Phil asks.

“I’m sorry about the hot comment earlier, I was...” Joshua says.

“Being honest,” Clarissa says with a smirk.

“According to the information we have on you, you still wouldn’t have held that back even if you had known,” Amy says with a smile.

“Known what?” Phil asks, still a bit oblivious.

“They’re related to me. By blood.” Joshua says looking them over.

There they were, just like that. His lost family. He had always wondered since being told by his Mom.

“Oh shit, man, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize. And here I was thinking that Clarissa was hot and was thinking of ways to tap that. Kind of out of the question since they’re your fams and all.” Phil says.

“Relax, big guy, you’re not in trouble for thinking like that, neither is he.” Clarissa laughs.

“So what are we, cousins?” Joshua asks.

“No, you’re my twin,” Amy explains.

“A ... twin.” Joshua says a bit shocked. “I HAVE A TWIN!” Joshua shouts excitedly.

“Can I get excited now?” Cassie asks as she tugs at Amy’s costume skirt.

“Sure,” Amy says with a giggle

“YAY!” Cassie yells.

She jumps onto the truck and plops down on Joshua’s lap.

“And I’m your little sister,” Cassie says matter-of-factly as she looks up at him.

“So that means Clarissa is my older sister?” Joshua asks.

“Yep,” Clarissa says.

“Wow, I have so many questions, like who are our parents? Are they still around? What’re they like? What do they look like?” Joshua asks.

Amy and Clarissa look at each other before laughing.

“What?” Joshua asks.

“He sounds like me!” Cassie laughs.

“Oh, I do? Do I?” Joshua says looking down at her with a big grin.

Joshua begins tickling Cassie’s sides making her burst out into laughter.

“Yeah, I think you’re gonna fit right in,” Amy says.

Joshua stops tickling Cassie.

“There’s so much to catch up on. I want to know everything I can about all of you!” Joshua says.

“There’s something else, we want you to come and live with us. We have a room at the house all set up for you, and if Phil needs a place, we have the basement set up as an apartment for him.” Amy explains.

“Wow. You three are selling us on the whole package. This is mind-boggling.” Phil says.

“Yeah, we’d have to pack, ship our shit ... and get out of our lease,” Joshua says.

“Don’t worry about any of that. Mom and Dad are big-time lawyers. We’ll pay off your rent and needs ‘til the lease ends and even help you move out to the house.” Amy explains.

“Wow, that’s just wow,” Joshua says, stunned.

“What’s wrong Josh-y? Don’t you wanna come live with us?” Cassie asks.

“It’s just a bit fast. I mean I know you’re all family, but I mean...” Joshua states.

“We’d be idiots not to take you girls up on the offer. We’ll be happy to.” Phil says.

“We will?” Joshua says.

“Dude. Our boss sucks monkey butts. And we’re basically living paycheck to paycheck trying to save a little bit here and there for college. Why not do the easy way out?” Phil says.

Cassie giggles when Phil says Monkey butts.

“Phil, how can we even be sure that they are who they say they are? They could’ve just picked us out at random.” Joshua points out.

“So they’re what? Gonna meet us at the airport, fly us to another state to rob us? We’re broke, man.” Phil explains.

“Maybe use us as sex slaves?” Joshua suggests.

“Would you really be against that?” Phil asks.

Joshua realizes that he wouldn’t and just sits there as dumbfounded.

“Listen, there’s no way we’re gonna rob you if we’re paying for your flights and you’re living paycheck to paycheck.” Amy points out.

“But the sex thing has some merit,” Clarissa adds.

“Clari!” Amy scolds.

“What? I’d hit that.” Clarissa admits.

“We haven’t told him anything about his family yet, and you’re saying stuff like that in front of him? Do you want him to think you’re a total whore?” Amy asks.

“Apparently she thinks you’re attractive Phil.” Joshua laughs.

“I caught that, Joshua, thanks,” Phil says with a smile.

Amy and Clarissa look at each other and giggle a little.

“So all that aside, how about we all just go and enjoy the convention. Phil’s got a poster he wants to be signed, and I wanna get a picture with one of my favorite actors.” Joshua says.

“Deal!” Amy exclaims.

Amy is quick to say it, confirming her enthusiasm for the convention. The group puts their helmets back on, and the three get off the truck before heading inside.

The group spends their time at booths getting autographs, posing and listening to stories about work on the sets of their favorite shows before heading to some of the pavilions for lunch. They take off their helmets and find a nice table near a window after grabbing some McDonalds.

“Ugh, fast food. Nasty stuff. How do you guys eat this garbage?” Clarissa asks as she sits down at the table.

The rest of the group sits down. Joshua and Phil begin eating.

“You’ve never eaten fast food?” Joshua asks.

“Maybe once, but it’s not very good, or good for you,” Amy explains.

“Wow, we’re really gonna need to adjust to our new lives aren’t we?” Joshua asks.

“More than you will ever realize,” Clarissa mutters under her breathe.

Amy elbows her in the ribs.

“Did you say something?” Joshua asks.

“It’s nothing,” Clarissa says.

“So, are you guys into other stuff besides power rangers? Or is that it?” Amy asks.

“Anime, Sentai, You name it, we’re probably fans,” Phil says.

“What about My Little Pony?” Cassie asks.

“Can’t say I’ve watched that one, but my landlord has this huge collection of it,” Joshua says.

“Can I meet him? I wanna see the collection?” Cassie asks.

“Only if you’re good,” Amy says.

“Aw.” Cassie pouts.

“Just be good and there’s nothing to worry about. We’re almost done anyways, right?” Clarissa asks.

“Yeah, just one last stand to hit, then we’ve made our rounds,” Joshua says.

“You’re still trying to find that Amazon belt for cheaper aren’t you?” Phil asks.

“Would be nice to find it under a hundred bucks,” Joshua says.

“True.” Phil agrees.

“Really? Are you worried about money? We’ve got you, Josh! I already told you, Mom and Dad have you covered. No matter what you want!” Amy says.

“Ames. Listen. It’s not about the money. Not at all. I worked hard to get the money. I wanna buy it with my hard earned money. I’ll have more appreciation for it if I do.” Joshua says.

“He’s right you know.” Phil points out.

“Why? If you have the money, why not just grab the first one you see?” Cassie asks.

“It’s a matter of principal, Cass. Just because I can get something doesn’t mean I should just get it. Earning it means that I know it’s worth because I put the effort into getting it in the first place. I worked hard and that work paid off with something I need or something I want.” Joshua explains.

“Oh. I think I get it.” Cassie says.

“Good,” Joshua says.

It’s at this point that the group hears a commotion going on, and looks out the window to see Cybots attacking the group outside that had been hanging out or heading for their cars.

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