If I Found a Reason to Stop Drinking - Cover

If I Found a Reason to Stop Drinking

Copyright© 2019 by Reltney McFee

Chapter 3

True Sex Story: Chapter 3 - What could happen if I had been rescued from hopelessness? If I found my savior, a pretty, young, dark haired woman? What if we both needed saving? What if I found a reason to stop drinking?

Caution: This True Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   True Story   Oral Sex   Public Sex  

Ashley was sleeping the sleep of the just (and just soundly loved), when my phone rang late one night. I awakened, and blearily reached for the instrument. “Hello?” was my witty greeting.

And, abruptly, I was fully awake. “Is this Mr. Evans? Mr. Mark Evans?”

“It is. What prompts this late night phone call?”

“This is Sergeant Willoughby of the Shelby County, Kentucky, Sheriff Office. Are you the father of Brittney and Adam Evans?”

“I am. What is going on?”

“Your ex wife was stopped for a traffic violation, and when we ran a LIEN check on her, there was a warrant out from Ingham County. We have lodged her here in our county jail, but she had a document from your family court detailing that you are granted half time custody of the children. Is that a current document?”

“Yes, Sergeant, it is current.”

“Well, Mr. Evans, with their mother lodged in our jail, and no other family hereabouts, we’l have to place your children in foster care. Now, if you can arrive here in a day or two, and ask your court to fax a current copy of the custody order to our office, well, I suspect that we will have to release your children to you.”

“Sergeant? Are my kids OK?”

“Yes, sir, they are fine! They have asked about you, several times just while I was with them. Oh, and, if you would, when you arrive here to pick them up, please bring some changes of clothing. They only have what they are wearing.”

Ashley awakened at the excited tone of my voice. “What’s happening?”

“Excuse me, Sergeant ... Ashley, Annie is locked up in Kentucky, and might be getting sent here to face the judge. I gotta go get the kids.”

She shook herself a little more awake, and asked, “So, when are we leaving?”

“Ashley, we’ll plan for that. Sergeant, can I have that fax number, please? I’ll hit the courthouse in the morning, and be on my way once that is started!”

By the time we terminated the call, it was approaching 0200, and I did not figure that I would get back to sleep. Mind whirling, I eventually climbed out of bed, and started to write down a to do list of paperwork, phone calls, packing, and needful things (like, fill the truck with fuel), needed to retrieve my children.

I scribbled away for several minutes, until I felt a warm pair of breasts against my naked back. Ashley read over my shoulder for a while, before turning away, and returning, fully dressed.

“Where is your luggage?” she asked, and then she retrieved it from my hall closet. As I wrote, she packed, calling out what she had bagged so I could check it off the list. Once my things were packed for the trip, she kissed me, and told me, “Let me get home, and throw some things for me into a bag. I’ll be back in a couple of hours, OK?”

I turned from my notes, and beheld the luggage. I rose, and embraced her, giving silent thanks for her presence in my life. Again.

As she started up her car, I tossed clean clothes on the bed, preparatory to taking a shower. After the fastest shower I had ever taken, I was dried and standing before my clothing, eager to be on the way.

Shortly before daybreak, I heard Ashley let herself in. I had already packed the truck, and gone and filled the gas tank. I was washing my breakfast dishes, and shrugged my shoulder toward the food I had set aside for her. “You can make some toast, and the eggs and bacon are still warm. You can ‘wave it if things are too cold for you.”

She poured some coffee, nuked the food, and toasted a bagel, settling in to devour the meal. Around bites, and asked me, “So, when are we headed to court? I assume that we’ll hit the road immediately afterward, right?”

“Yep, once I know the sheriff in Shelby County has the papers, off we go!”

As she finished, and handed me her dishes for washing, she asked, “So, court doesn’t open for a couple of hours yet. You think you might be up for a little relaxation sex? Your girlfriend thinks you look kinda tense!”

I smiled at her, drying my hands. “That is a lovely thought. Yes, I’m anxious. I think that I’m too anxious to properly appreciate any tryst with my lovely, loving, and perceptive young girlfriend. I love that you thought of that for me, though.”

I received an impish grin. “So, does that mean you won’t object if I try to coax a load from you with some ‘it’ll all be alright’ head? Me, I think that I have moves that I’m not sure you remember, or that I’ve not yet shown you, that I am confident you will appreciate. Just you leave all this to your little Ashley, and she will make you feel just fine!”

I smiled, again, and told her, “Sure thing! If I turn down a chance to have you suck me, check my pulse, because I’m dead! I simply do not think that Mr. Happy will join in the festivities. I’d hate to insult your beauty or your romantic expertise by failing to stand up and applaud you!”

I was treated to her impish grin again, as she stood, unbuttoning her blouse. “Oh, you wait, mister! I have my ways! Besides, now I have to keep you around, since my big brother approves of you, and that means I have to keep you happy. We just won’t tell him how I keep you happy!”

At this point, her blouse was draped over a chair, and her brassiere soon followed. She unsnapped her jeans, wriggled them, and her panties, down over her hips, and folded them on the floor, finally kneeling upon them, knees shoulder width apart, hands upon her knees. She affected a pout, and asked, “What would my master have of this servant girl? She is eager to do her master’s bidding, and she hopes if her master finds her pleasing, she will not have to sleep in the dungeon with the other slave girls. She would really like to become her master’s favorite slave girl. Her master will find her to be an eager and willing fuck toy, and interested in anything he might desire.”

This last was delivered from beneath hooded eyes, and her breathing, deeper than at the beginning of her offer, and more rapid, did interesting things to her firm medium sized breasts.

I noticed two things nearly at the same time: her nipples were erect, and my cock was hardening in my pants. How did this girl know of my dark dominance fantasies? How did she know how to play to them, flipping a switch I had not had flipped before? “You are very pleasing to your master,” I told her. “You are beautiful, and your eagerness to serve makes you stand out from all the rest. Come here, release my cock, and show me that you are not simply full of brave talk. If your sucking skills are as good as you promise, you will not have to sleep with the other wenches tonight. You will have the master’s bed to share with him!”

Ashley crawled to me, slinking as if she were an ocelot approaching her prey. She knelt upright, deftly released my belt and tugged my pants down, my sex scepter waggling as she released him from my clothing. As I toed off my shoes, and tried to disentangle my feet from my jeans, she leaned in, kissing and licking my dick. Finally, she reached and pulled my pants off cuffs first, successfully releasing my feet from their denim prison.

I opened my stance, and everted my shirt off and onto the pile of clothes she had formed in the corner of the kitchen. Ashley smiled up at me, and, holding my gaze, descended down my length, and slowly retreated. “Hmmm,” she observed, “Somebody looks like he is eager to enjoy the pleasures that await him! A girl sure likes to be appreciated!”

Again my tool sank into the oily furnace of her mouth, again she retreated, sucking all the way. She engulfed me, tongue swirling about my length, and I moaned from the electric shocks of pleasure she caused to ripple from my rod. She looked up from her labors, eyes alight with prideful glee at the effect she was having upon me. Waiting until she was certain that she had my undivided attention, she slowly sank upon me, taking my steely lance deep into her mouth, her throat, until, blinking placidly, happily, I rested full length within her, my glans exploring her throat. She swallowed a few times, for effect, and then slowly backed away.

Ashley sucked in a few deep breaths, and stoked Mr. Happy a few times. “Think you want to reconsider that ‘I’m afraid I might not properly appreciate your sexual skills’ concern you had a few minutes ago?”

“Don’t believe that any reconsideration is in order. I do believe that should you keep that up, there is no way to avoid my bathing your tonsils in my very own Hollandaise sauce, and in pint lots at that!”

Considering this prediction briefly, her eyes lit up. “Ya do know, that is exactly the effect I was going for, don’t you?”

“The possibility had occurred to me,” I allowed. “but, please don’t stop on my account! Just keep on and let the chips fall where they may!”

“As if you could stop me!”, she muttered, and set to teasing my cock chowder from me. She bobbed upon me, her breasts swayed in counterpoint, and I felt her exhalation from her nostrils upon my pubes with each down-stroke.

She had interrupted herself just short of the point where I was about to share my cum explosion with her. As enthusiastic as she was, and hot as she was, there was not a lot of catching up for me to do, until I began to tense up. She drew herself off my throbber, and, eyes wild, stoking my cock, she pleaded with me. “Oh, God, I want your cum! Feed me! Pour out onto my tongue, and let me gulp your love down! Drain yourself into my face! Fuck my throat, and let me have it! I want it all, and I want it in my mouth! Oh, god! Now, please, now!”

Then she took me back into her mouth, pulling my ass cheeks as if to screw my dickhead through her throat and into her stomach entirely. Pumping her head back and forth on my beef baton, she was fucking her own face on me.

I had been close prior to her soliloquy of lust, her hot narrative had done nothing to cool me off, and her energetic face fucking tossed me over the edge. I clasped her head to me, driving my entire reltney fully into her face, and pouring myself into her, as I felt her gulping my love lotion rapidly, driving each bolus into her stomach.

Once I had enough sense to release her, I settled against the counter, and she settled back onto her heels, gasping. Her breasts heaved with each breath, her taut stomach rose and fell, and she licked her lips as if to savor a wonderful meal.

I drew her to her feet, and embraced her. “Omigawd, that was wonderful! My cock will be forever spoiled, no other woman could ever please me as much as you just did!”

She favored me with a cum seasoned kiss, and grinned at me. “Well, I’m not about to give you the opportunity to be disappointed by any other woman, because I plan to be your woman, forever! So, do you still feel tense?”

I considered for a moment. “No, now that you mention it, no, I don’t. So, that sort of virtuoso performance deserves an encore. I’d like to return the favor!”

Waggling her finger in my face, she corrected me. “No, no, no! That one was just for you! It’s now 0830, and you have enough time to get dressed, again, while I get dressed and brush my teeth! Then, we have business to conduct, and a road trip to take!”

Listening to and following directions, I got dressed as she retired to the bathroom with clothing, water soon running. Shortly after I had my shoes again tied upon my feet, she reappeared, and pecked me, handing me my coat, and leading me to the driveway, handed me her luggage. Stowing it in the back seat of the truck, we set off for the courthouse, arriving shortly after the deputies had unlocked the doors and set up for their day.

We passed through the screening, and beelined for the court clerk’s office. I provided our case number, and the fax number for the Shelby Count Sheriff’s office. I watched as the woman sent the several pages of the judgment to Kentucky. Once she had received the transmission confirmation, I phoned Sergeant Willoughby, and re confirmed that the papers were, indeed, on their fax machine as we spoke.

“Mr. Evans, it looks as if we received everything, and, right here, I can see where the judge required Mrs. Evans to not leave the state, and awarded you half time custody. I’ll forward this to our protective services folks, but it sure looks to me as if you ought to get on the road, as you have two children very eager to see their daddy!”

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