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Merlinverse —
A Universe from the Mind of haramiru
In this universe, Merlin and certain others from King Arthur's day are still alive in the present day. Many of the more powerful magicians in the world are powered by fertility magic, and pregnancy occurs frequently as a matter of course. There are also demons, faeries, etc.
What would happen if a man actually COULD eye-fuck women? That's the question this story answers, when an ordinary college student receives a relic of the wizard Merlin. This piece is a short lead-in to my Arthurian series.
Morgan Le Fay discovers that Merlin, who cursed her centuries before, has been reborn. She vows revenge and sets out on a road trip to kill him, accompanied by her succubus servant Argyle. NOTE: the rape elements are tightly coupled with horrifying justice. A succubus has to eat somehow...