This is the story of Mary, Richard Jr, Jessica and Richard III, the Rogers family! Their family dynamic siginificantly changes during their nearly 1,800 mile Road Trip. Read On!
My name is Robbie, Mom calls me Robert, but my sisters don't! I found a contest online, The 14th Annual Brother/Sister Day. It promotes writers and readers of Brother/Sister Porn to actually take a chance and make a move on their Brother or Sister. I have a younger sister, so here goes!
This is a story about me, Randall, and my much younger sister, Carol. I'm also a full foot taller than her. We have a story to tell you, that you may not believe, but it's the honest truth. .
Ethan, Susan, Arial and Nancy all have fun while the parents are away! (This story has a minimum of proper sentence grammar, I wrote it by talking into my phone using notes. )