The ongoing adventures of The Smart Girls, the munchkins, and the people who move in and out of their lives. If you've followed this through Community Too then you'll be comfortable with where we are now. If you haven't, then start with my Smart Girls series and read on.
Tommy's a young engineer who's on a great path. after a weekend jaunt to help his mom and dad, he picks up a hitchhiker in a rainstorm. Mimi has entered his life. She's NOT what he was expecting. Maybe he just wasn't expecting right. If you know my stories, then you'll know we're not jumping right into sex.
Cindy, Nikki, Tina, Susan, the Munchkins - you've been reading about them in the Smart Girls Universe for years. New year, new adventures in love and life.
Bill's a nice guy, just a working man getting along. Life has left him battered, but he's found stability. One day his neighbor, young Haley, shows up to help wash a car. And be a friend.
The conventional wisdom is that you don't fish off the company dock. Carl's a technician and so's Kim Soon Yi, both for the same company. Fate tosses them on the same project - out of town for a few weeks, and absolutely NOTHING will happen, right?
A startling group of geniuses has erupted in Alabama, Doctor Cynthia Smith-Richards, PhD, - and her friends. Husbands are the core of 3Sigma Engineering, rapidly becoming a force in electrical power engineering, and Cindy, along with the munchkins, headed up by headstrong Terri 'pTerridactyl' Addison Stengall, are showing up all over the burgeoning realm of autonomous robotics. Here's technology, flying, and loving and living.
Haley's a Smart Girl. She's part of the Smart Girl universe, and this is the continuation of a saga that started when she was twelve in Neighbors. If you start there, then go to Bill and Haley, and then Bill and Haley and Deena, you'll get the whole story, except you won't, because they tie into the rest of the Smart Girl universe and you need to Start with Cindy and Nikki and Christina, then the 'Community' series. It's a big universe.