Andor was a blue/green planet, third in its Solar System revolving around a reg giant deep in the Goth galaxy. The magic of Andor was found in every rock, plant and species.
In a time before man rose to prominence, when magic flowed like water from every rock and plant, three great races vied for dominance. In their arrogance they challenged the Gods and almost succeeded. The Gods ensured that little evidence remained of their achievements and knowledge. That however, was about to change.
The continuing saga of Aaron Whiterune, exiled Tarran prince, who wields the Runeswords; Black Rose and Red Rose. If you haven't already, I recommend that you read "The Thief of Roses" first.
The third chapter in the saga of Aaron Whiterune, thief, assassin, and exiled heir to a once great empire. Aaron searches for the Rose Throne and looks to take his rightful place as King of a once great empire.
The fourth book in the Saga of the Rose. Evil has the realm in its grips and will not let go. The Balance of Power has shifted so far to Evil's side that the scales cannot right themselves. A man with no name and no memory washes ashore near a small village, could he be the one to correct the scales?
The final story in the Saga of the Rose finds Aaron and Karith returning to Andor to retrieve some things from Karith's lair. Events are being manipulated by an unseen force that threaten those that Aaron holds dear.