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Disappointment, Betrayal, and Revenge —
A Universe from the Mind of Quantum Mechanic
These are short stories containing one or more of these themes. Some of these stories have unhappy endings, or endings that leave you hanging! It might be about a cheating spouse or significant other, or it might be about becoming the victim of random violence. It might even be about getting back your own. In any case, it'll be a bit dark, but maybe with an occasional rare bit of humor.
One man learns that self-deception is the easiest kind, and that trust is sometimes rewarded with disloyalty. He survives, though, and life goes on. This is not a story with a happy or satisfying ending! If you can't handle that, don't read it.
A young woman takes her own life, as a result of depression following rape. The people who loved her have to rebuild their lives without her. Vengeance helps in one case.