A man made virus given to children mutates and alters them between the age of 18 to 24 and allows them to seduce and incite lust in anyone.
The virus inside women has lowered the odds to 3% of what it once was for any women under the age of 30 at becoming pregnant by anyone not close to her genetically.
Scientists discover a virus to stop anyone from abusing children but it backfires years later once anyone reachs around age 18 to 24 and encourages their libido and ability to seduce each other and anyone older than them.
Scientist thought they had discovered a way to protect children from pedophilia's. The discovery occurred on March 14, 2020 when Dr. Mark Ashton and his team discovered a gene in the human genome that when activated in a child should cause the child to produce a pheromone that removed any sexual feelings towards the child by any adult while making feel protective towards the child and it was found that it would last until the child's prefrontal cortex matured.