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The Legend of Snow Owl —
A Universe from the Mind of Feral Lady
A young Comanche warrior's adventures in Northern Texas in a world much like ours during the late 1800s. However, history, morals, and customs are unique to that world. How does our hero make a difference against the rising tide of palefaces?
A young Comanche warrior's journey to the Dreamer's wigwam. The final step to full adulthood within his tribe. An arranged marriage decided by his Chief and his father (the Medicine Man). He is well equipped in the ways of war but naive when it comes to women. A coming of age tale, one of many adventures about the fabled Snow Owl.
A mixed-race Indian is visiting strange women that neighbor his Comanche tribe. What could go wrong? What could go right? He was only delivering a deer. Yet, these are the continued adventures of the Legendary Snow Owl.