The story of David, a guitar playing geek, and Cal, his best friend and how their friendship develops into love. Book 1 covers the last two years of secondary school.
A continuation of David's life as a schoolboy turned actor. New dramas, new friends, new school. It is strongly recommended that you read Teen Dreams before starting this one.
A different perspective on the story of Cal and David.Please note that this is told from the point of view of a different character, written many years after the event, and the memories may vary slightly.
The further adventures of David and the ups and downs of his love life. It would help if you had already read books one and two, since this is a saga rather than a series.
David gets home from Canada, still grieving from the loss of Sandy. Determined to finally sort out what, if anything, is between him and Cal. Can they still be friends after all that's happened and is friends all they can ever be. In the meantime there are films to make and universities to apply to.