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A List for Those with Noble Thoughts from XofDallas

Some days, our thoughts are base - prurient. Other days, our thoughts are noble, inspired and uplifting. This list is for those days.

1 - The Richard Jackson Saga by Banadin

This saga is tongue-in-cheek, and sooo improbable. That being said, it is a most excellent read, and perhaps my favorite SOL story of all time! The saga is up to Book 12 on Amazon and Bookapy, but Banadin is also reposting it here, from the beginning.

2 - Kinetic by hammingbyrd7

I like listing stories readers may not have read before, and this one is a gem. How does a boy who becomes an all-powerful man, develop and maintain a code of ethics that works? Excellent read.

3 - A New Past by Charlie Foxtrot

A do-over story, but a very good one.

4 - Human Man by Refusenik

This is actually the second story in a series, the first being "Human Phoenix," and I strongly suggest that you read that first. I just like the second in the series better.

5 - The Reset Manifesto by Lazlo Zalezac

This story is a good story, but it also a timely one. As you read it, you might find yourself asking, "What about this story might be true today?"

6 - These Girls Can Play by Dr. Paco Jones

This is another good story that's off the beaten path. It's just a good, enjoyable story, set in the rock and roll music industry. I hope you like it! :)

7 - Junior Year by G Younger

This is my favorite in the "Stupid Boy" series. I like it best because of the character development. Start at the beginning of the series, though.

8 - El Sobador by ElSol

El Sol has a number of really good stories out there. This is the first of a two-part series, and my favorite of his stories. Read a bunch of them, they're good.

9 - Axeman by Shaddoth

A very good story, a fantasy starting from a gaming background. The protagonist is pretty darn good. I really hope Shaddoth is working on a sequel.

10 - The Preacher Man by hammingbyrd7

This is simply a good story about a good man in a trying situation. He tries to better the lot of his fellow man, and he succeeds.

11 - Runaway Train by Jay Cantrell

A story based on the entertainment industry. It's one of the well-recognized stories, but it's just that good. Jay Cantrell has a number of good stories on SOL.

12 - Mayhem in a Pill by Shinerdrinker

A good sci-fi/football story. It's in progress - just, the chapters come too slow! :(

13 - In the Navy by Argon

This is the first book in the Anthony Carter universe - and arguably the best. The series and universe are well worth reading.

14 - The Defenceman by Cold Creek

This is the first in an incomplete series. Cold Creek occasionally gets mad at some pretty lame critics, and stops writing, which is a shame.

15 - Intemperance by Al Steiner

This is another story that is based on entertainers (in this case, a musician). It's a popular read, and deservedly so.

16 - Magic 101 by Reluctant_Sir

A good story by a good author. The protagonist is pretty good too.

17 - Deja Vu Ascendancy by AscendingAuthor

This is the longest story on SOL and, to my taste, the protagonist is way too verbose. That being said, it's still really good. It shows how a boy might, over time, become God.

18 - Spring Training by colt45

Okay, this is an incest story with elements of D/s. Nevertheless, it's a well-written story involving a protagonist whom I think has an inspirational attitude.

19 - The Millionaire Next Door by Lazlo Zalezac

Just a good story. Very believable protagonist. Rags to riches.


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