This series follows the lives of Tony, Melody, and Lissa as they share their great adventure together--their love and their loves. It begins when Tony is a freshman in college and progresses from there.
Freshman art student Tony finds out what it's like to be on the other side of the easel when his crush asks him to pose for her final project. Love and sex could save him from depression, but he's still falling behind and hates school. Can his racquetball mentor offer more?
Slow start. Sex is integral to the story, but so are racquetball and art. The story is about the characters. / (Reviews)
Second volume of Model Student. Tony competes in the Intercollegiate Racquetball tournament and is welcomed back by the athletes at PCAD and SCU. A surprise after-party turns into a posing party and Tony paints a dozen beautiful women for the PCAD Gala.
Tony is off to the National Singles competition but illness prevents Lissa from joining him. Can Allison handle the heat of being the Ice Queen's substitute? And once the tournament is over and the threesome is scattered to Boston, Nebraska, and Seattle, will their relationship survive? Of course.
The continuing adventures of Tony, Melody, and Lissa. You should read “Model Student” to understand this. Now sophomore art students and trying to understand and manage their new life, Tony, Melody, Lissa and their friends attempt to come to grips with the larger reality of life outside of college as well as in. Some sex in most chapters, much sex in some. The trio finally discovers it is in love—with each other and someone else! This story includes an abused submissive woman. / (Reviews)
Of course, there is pressure. Tony is in a new school-and his old one. New friends, new paintings, a new style, another racquetball competition. And the pressure of getting ready for their first show. He always seems to be half a step behind, but is determined to be more involved in life. That involvement places Tony at the heart of a tragedy lessened by his presence. Tony must find the heart and the discipline to be something he never imagined he could be. A true master.
2013 Clitorides Award third place for "Best Romantic Story." The continuing story of Tony Ames, his art, his sport, and his loves. It's one thing to gather four women to you that you love and who love you, but keeping them could be harder than expected. Most chapters have a little sex in them, a few have a lot. Tony is about to turn twenty-one and changes happen when you become an "adult." This story includes a submissive woman. / (Reviews)
A companion piece to "Model Student 4--Triptych." Read interviews with characters each week that reveal more about your favorites in the Model Student cast. Each interview is marked with a date and sequence (Before Chapter 1, After Chapter 2, etc.) Characters sometimes talk about sex, but no sex in these interviews.